Mogor the Ogre
Card Text
All minions have a 50% chance to attack the wrong enemy.
Flavor Text
Mogor helped reopen the Dark Portal once. You know you're in trouble when you have to rely on an ogre.
Card Sounds
All minions have a 50% chance to attack the wrong enemy.
Mogor helped reopen the Dark Portal once. You know you're in trouble when you have to rely on an ogre.
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Mogor the Ogor
hey, death sound is missing, above.
The most exciting welcome speech when you play it first time from your hand. Love it!
Having 4 Mogor the Ogres on the board in the "cloneball" brawl. when one of my minion attacks, all 4 triggered and the minion ended up attacking the original target. Hilarious.
Do you think they have this talent b/c of lack of depth of vision?
I just unpacked this guy and I am glad b/c it sounds fun to use. I am looking to get Lorewalker cho next.
Hey, check this up !
Hands-down the best card art in the game. It's absolutely beautiful.
My first golden legendary, dusted.
... My second golden legendary. Sorry, but you are not likely to survive being golden and troll-only.
If i have to think at this card in a "serious" deck i see it in a full control type one. "low" mana cost, lure removals because opponent does not want to attack random but prefers to be sure about where to hit.
What do u think ?
I just really love cards like this. A completely ogres based deck would be a blast of fun.
Me too. having the chance to miss just makes things interesting. You have to play smart and take risks at the same time.
Having two Mogors on the board in a brawl... hilarious. They try to trade into one of my Mogors and you hear "Sorry... Sorry..." as they both deflect the attack and it hits my face for one instead.
Step 1: Draft Mogor the Ogre in arena
Step 2: ???
Step 3: 12 win streak
Just got this card , and it's really fun to play with it xD
I love this card so much, it's fun to play with it in arena!
so 3 days ago i did an arena run which was terrible 1-3 i beleive, felt like i played vs constructed, druid with cenarius and onyxia, then played a pally with tirion and kelthuzad, then played lock with mal ganis. Yes i felt like i was trolled, so i went and opened my pack expecting nothing good, i was happy to see i got a legend, turned out to be, mogor... you know which fine cause thats rng and i built a nice pally deck with him in it. So today i had pretty much same experience as usual doing arena vs what feels like constructed went 0-3.... and what do i get a LEGEND!!! and its this guy again,.... not only can i not use him 2 times in a deck, but i can have 2 copies of that shit&?%$??? none are golden... and i cant even fucking disenchant it for 1600 dust, im only getting 400 WTF!!!
Mogor is actually surprisingly good in arena. He's kind of like Kel'Thuzad in the sense that he is best played when both you and your opponent have about 3 or more minions. Just attack with all your minions first, slap down Mogor, and watch your opponent desperately try to make good trades while Mogor says "sorry"
I think that if you want to use Mogor, he is best utilized in a deck with a lot of weapons in it. Because weapons are not affected by Mogor, you can clear out opposing minions that yours might accidentally, and reduce the chances that your own minions trade unfavorably. Additionally, most classes that have plenty of weapons (Warrior and Paladin) also tend to have cards that give you plenty of life, which makes taking hits to the face through taunt, usually, not a problem. Even though this card is better in those classes, I still think that there are stronger cards to include in a Warrior or Paladin deck. In arena, I would consider this an above average card if you have plenty of weapons, otherwise, I would value it at exactly average.
I just pulled out Mogor in a pack! I am so gonna use it in my decks just for laughs. lol. I just came back to play last July and back then I got my first Legendary, Loremaster Cho. Blizz and RNG are TROLLING ME! or Ogreing me. Pandaing. Whatever. I'ma stick both in a deck and spread the love.