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This only fits in one type of deck which makes me not want to craft it
Damn, I dusted this weapon without knowing its potential. Rip.
Witchwood post nerf meta, at least for the first few days, spell hunter is actually tier one: https://articles.hsreplay.net/2018/05/23/meta-pulse-may-23rd-a-world-upside-down/
What a time to play hearthstone. I remember how viscious the criticism was of To My Side! and Rhok'delar when they were revealed. I also remember how most people thought even and odd decks wouldn't catch on, but holy shit are they good. I think Blizzard deserved more props for creating cards that turn out fun and good, but sometimes takes another expansion of two to get there. Meanwhile, I see comments from months ago saying "Of course I get this bullcrap, thanks Blizz."
I can't believe I just crafted this. Welp, wish me luck.
Battlecry: If your deck has no minions, add "Flare" to your hand. XD
Often gets lost to Tracking
Probably one of the best cards of all time, unless your opponent plays Weasel Tunneler
36% say dust it now it is new tier 1 deck now it funny how card people say bad was now become top tier deck like quest rogue(except that The Caverns Below become cancer)
"tier 1" lmao
Spell Hunter is Tier 1 according to Disguisedtoast.com
who's laughing now?
its tier 1
Ofc i had to get this on my f2p account.Thank you blizz for trash <3
atm the deck that use it seems to be the best performing and most low budget deck xD
missing 1600 dust :P
Climbed from 15 to 8 with the no minions deck on release day, but I'm putting it down to people not knowing how to play around it. If this sees enough play people might actually start running Eater of Secrets, which would handily screw this deck architype over.
I have to be the only who was excited to open this card in a pack. As a f2p player, Hunt Alone was one of the decks I was most eager to play when the expansion hit. I don't care if the deck is good or bad, as long as it's fun then I'm rolling with it. Turns out a properly constructed Hunt Alone deck can be pretty good (partially according to you as well), so I got that going for me.
This is way better in wild because you have access to Lock and Load.