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Perfectly Balanced
Perfectly balanced
Is Bomb Warrior viable in Wild?
Bomb pirate warrior is pretty damn fun, currently playing it at rank 3
Boom boom boom!!!
As all things should be.
Neat to know he has his own summon quote when you play him against the hero Boom.
Also... perfectly balanced.
Perfectly balanced
Perfectly Balanced
Looks like a fun potentially good card.
Perfectly Balanced
Perfectly Balanced
Sounds fun, but might be just meme... You never know tho.
Boom Bots got Rush with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius. Add Clockwork Goblin and Wrenchcalibur to your deck, and you should be able to put at least 2 Bombs in your enemys deck before you play Blastmaster Boom. Four to five bombs throughout the game + 4-6 Boom Bots adds a nice Win Condition for Control-Style Warrior builds.
Keep in Mind that Archivist Elysiana for example can replace the bombs. Probably gonna craft the whole package and fit it into my Dragon Warrior.
Don't forget it's boom O'clock!
And put Iron Juggernaut in that deck too. It many not have synergy with bastmaster boom himself, but it fits with the theme!
Perfectly Balanced