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Are you telling me that a VA was hired to voice a fucking crab?
Guess who's making a comeback
Power creep on River Crocolisk. They could have made it a 2/2 body and raised the buff to +1/+2 to compensate, it's that simple no need to make a card obsolete.
River Crocolisk would need a significant buff to see play anyway, and this doesn't really see play.
M. V. P.
i love how this card is on the bottom of your deck when you're against a deck that has pirates
then it'll show up vs mage or priest next game
Battlecry: Eat your own Patches.
i hate pirate warrior and never played it but when i destroy Naga Corsair with this card i feel bad for pirate player.it should be like if your opponent controls a pirate gain +1/+1 and taunt.
river crocolisk powercreeped FeelsBadMan
A pirate warrior had this in their hand (for some reason) and I got a copy with Mind Vision. I'm convinced that it single-handedly turned the game around for me.
had a rogue play it on it's own pirate to make it a 3/4 then they return it to hand and replay it and it's STILL a 3/4 WTF is up with that i thought you lose them buffs
Cards like this that are designed to answer a specific thing aren't supposed to be strong at their base. There's no drawback to putting this card in your deck because a 2/3 beast for 2 is just fine on its own, so this hoses pirates for free. This card is legitimately terrible design, which I guess is what you have to expect from blizzard at this point. Pathetic, honestly.
You are completely wrong and your line of thinking is the reason hearthstone has so many dead cards. Hearthstone is based around your winrate over many games. You know what happens when you make a very situational card that is ok in a certain situation but nearly worthless everywhere else? It's never played.
Played this against a pirate warrior on turn 2 and he conceded right then and there. Honestly one of my favorite cards this expansion
sad River Crocolisk FeelsBadMan
My Golakka just ate a 9/9 Luckydo Buccaneer. That was a very sad Rogue.
This card much popular in pirate warrior decks than others LUL
Garrosh: Ready for smORC, Rexxar?
Rexxar: *Smirks* no Garrosh...
Rexxar: *plays crab* I smORC you now!
Garrosh:*GASP!* *plays win axe* *>3/4 minion* *sad face*
Rexxar: *evil laughter*