Prophet Velen
Card Text
Double the damage and healing of your spells and Hero Power.
Flavor Text
He's been exiled from his home, and all his brothers turned evil, but otherwise he doesn't have a lot to complain about.
Card Sounds
Double the damage and healing of your spells and Hero Power.
He's been exiled from his home, and all his brothers turned evil, but otherwise he doesn't have a lot to complain about.
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Rest in peace my sweet prince...
Well, Archmage Antonidas, Tirion Fordring, Edwin VanCleef, Cenarius, Lord Jaraxxus, King Krush, Al'Akir the Windlord, and Grommash Hellscream are always fit in the META but The Prophet Velen is good with Unsleeping Soul when there is no Mind Blast. Silence, Freeze, and disarming the attack of enemy minions after playing the spell as he had held his enemy with the chain of light in WOW will be smile.
I've posted this a few years ago. Not rep farming, I just think it's a really nice thing to know:
Fun fact:
His entrance call 'Not all who wander are lost' is taken from Bilbo's poem about Aragorn in The Lord of The Rings -
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be Blade that was Broken,
The crownless again shall be king."
1. Made doubly nerdgasmic by the prophetic nature of the poem...
2. Aragorn was raised by the Sindarin elves....Velen = Elven?
You decide
When I got him from starter pack I was like "ok, at least I can play meme priest decks". I couldn't ever imagine that this guy will be in tier 1 deck during 2 expansions.
highlander priests playing this card after they played dk anduin and raza is equivalent to exodia mages putting out antonidas
I've been playing around with Prophet Velen in my Highlanduin decks. Using the Mirage Caller combo when you've played Shadowreaper Anduin is very powerful. Spirit Lash is also incredibly powerful with Velen, not only does the damage get doubled, but the lifesteal healing gets doubled on top of that! With only 2 other minions on the board it becomes a Volcanic Potion with a Greater Healing Potion slapped on to it! I think KFT has brought a lot of strong synergies with Prophet Velen, he's definitely worth considering in you Highlander Decks now.
I feel like this guy got a major power boost with the nerf to Big Game Hunter. I also like how it synergizes with Raza the Chained and Mirage Caller. Imagine being able hero power whatever you want for 8 damage (combining with Shadowform) every turn for 0 mana. I've only pulled it off a couple times, but, believe me, the game was over very quickly at that point.
10/20/17...Hello Future...Hello Razakus Priest! On the right track, good job!
But I sure am.
Just packed him yesterday, and spent inordinate amounts of dust beefing up my priest collection so I could make him work. In the end, I made a control deck with him and Ragnaros the Firelord, and sometimes he helped me come back from the brink. (4 health, Velen and double Flash Heal. Velen also works as a good substitute for Justicar Trueheart, if you don't have her. Unfortunately, I mainly just use him as a sacrificial lamb to bait out hard removal for Ragnaros the Firelord
It doesn't double healing on Greater Healing Potion, is it a Bug?
My first legendary!
Actually didn't know he existed until I packed him
Got this card as the Random Class Legendary card of the Welcome Bundle, and right after it, the first opened pack contained a Golden Deathwing and Harrison Jones followed by a bunch of Rare and Epic cards.
The first game I played was a huge success as my opponent ran out of cards in its hand, slightly slowing down its progression to be a threat and poor player got smashed by Velen.
should be how it works, ridiculous that it doesn't, although minion combat with him might be a little op
Couldn't the card text here be abbreviated to just "double your damage and healing effects?" Still, this would be an AMAZING buff, but it probably shouldn't affect minion combat. On a side note, Archmage Antonidas works wonders when paired with this thing, and honestly, priest would need a legendary like him the most. Maybe giving 3-cost Mind Blasts?
This games knows that I love Prophet Velen, gives me the second one from a pack. Gimme more Prophets! I wish i could use them both in my decks, cause the only one is not enough...
Too bad priest is the worst class right now
Too bad it's the most played class right now.
Prophet Velen is one of my new favorite cards. I don't usually play Priest, but I got this from a random pack last week so decided to try a burst priest deck out. Lots of fun and literally a blast! Mind Blast that is! lol... Has some crazy synergy with Embrace the Shadow as well. I'll drop an Emperor Thaurissan the turn before and then drop Prophet Velen, my Mind Blasts, Embrace the Shadow, and then my Flash Heals for up to 40 damage if I have the full combo for 10 mana.
The inclusion of Embrace the Shadow makes him an incredibly dangerous card. If Prophet Velen survives a turn, the opponent is likely dead and sometimes the turn he's played the opponent is doomed. Embrace the Shadow makes comboing Flash Heal with Velen MUCH easier and can potentially turn 1 mana (Assuming both Flash Heals and Embrace the Shadow were hit by Thaurissan) into 20 damage. Priests may not be well known for their burst but it DOES exist and can often be a nice surprise factor due to how underrated it is.