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Aka: Slightly More Recent Recall
Confirmed, if you use this then Arch-Villain Rafaam the cards are no longer marked for discarding.
The discard effect of this card sometimes doesn't apply to silverware golem and fist of jaraxxus for some reason. Happened many times now.
You haven't ended your turn.
I did, still didn't discard. Had it happen to my opponents too.
this + Lakkari Sacrifice might make discolock somewhat less of a meme because now you can spend 1 mana to complete half the quest which kinda negates the lack of cards to discard but its still really bad
I activate Pot of soul ! It let's me draw 3 cards ! ;) hehe
Had to make yu-gi-oh joke. I felt it was needed. Also this is great card for Warlock.
Your soul shall be mine!
This card is absolutely fucking insane
Been using it in my control reno/kazakus/mecha'thun warlock. Wow. Just wow.
1) You beaten down by aggro, no reno/kazakus in hand yet...
Today aggro burn mage got me down to 3 HP and flooded board with crap. I had 10 cards left and no reno in hand yet.
Had 0 mana soularium in hand(discounted with emperor, risked burning combo pieces) - drew Reno Jackson, Plated Beetle and Defile... Used all 3...
2) Amazing in wild mode for mecha'thun schenanigans. Can use it the same turn when doing combo pulling out missing pieces/burning left crap in deck 3 turns earlier than normally...
This card is the definition of OP
Does golden version of this, turn the cards gold?
shame :(
Zoo will no longer be a budget deck
Does nobody else see the potential in discOdd lock????
Reminds me of Into the Void from Yu-Gi-Oh, but much more powerful.
I think this card will boost zoo decks.
Will Clutchmother Zavas be finally playable in a zoo environment... or at all?
No :)
Turn 3 Mountain Giant :)
Without Coin; Turn 1 (4 cards) -> Turn 2 (6 cards, if hp) -> Turn 3 (10 cards if The Soularium is used) = Mountain Giant 2 mana
With Coin: Turn 1 (5 cards) -> Turn 2 (6 cards, 7 cards if hp) -> Turn 3 (10+ cards if The Soularium is used) = Mountain Giant 2 mana
This is going to be annoying :/
mountain giant only counts the other cards in your hand excluding itself so it can never cost less than 3