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Best name in this game.
Savannah Highmane is way better in Deathrattle Hunter, just in case if like me, you were wondering before crafting*sigh*. Good luck! Still a beautiful card.
Play him, and have him summon highmane for you?
got him, what deck am i supposed to create?
sadly i dont have any of those cards, hearthstone is not kind enough to give me those cards when opening packs
Keep it, it's a great card, and it'll still be a great card in the future.
Try to experiment with it, put a big beast package in a deck and see how it goes
Baku is a beast, so any odd deck is insta-viable. I was thinking an inner fire priest could get some high HP minions cheated out easily for combo nastiness.
lul hunter trash foh
A guy did that literally 3min ago. Still lost to my Jan'Alai mage.
Strong card and looks like Greymon from Digimon! Can only hope that Druid wont end up abusing it for something insane though.
Can't unsee.
Sad that Oondasta, the most hardest world boss in Wow history has such underwhelming stats. But hey, it is at the very least, somewhat viable here.
Why are you looking only the stats (which are fine, I think)? This one with deathrattle hunter can make some insane combos. It's just awesome with Kathrena Winterwisp. Most of the times you're going to get at least one card from the big beasts into your hand. With this little friend, you can get insane value.
Oondasta bebé?
im gonna try this digimon out
Very strong in Deathrattle hunter, when you brick and draw all your beasts its amazing, if you only have a couple beats in hand it's great, off of Kathrina it's great, it's so good.
Another one rides Oondasta!(Repeat in your head with that comercial song and should be good)
Nah, still bad.
He look like a METAL Greymon
This with Eureka! is pretty good.