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When you absolutely, positively don’t want your opponent to play Kalecgos.
If only it kept Stealth when transforming...
I foolishly thought that this card would keep the stats and i added it to my deck. You know 4 mana 5/6 is pretty good. Boy was i wrong... How is this even legendary card?
I've had fun with her lately with all the spell hunters around. A 4 cost 5/6 that they can't do anything about.
deadly shot
Maybe if it was a 2 mana 4/4 or something... Right now it's just an overpriced neutral Mirror Entity without the benefit of your opponent not knowing that it's a Mirror Entity.
Play it in a priest silence deck. Turn 4 5/6 seems good.
there is a turn 3 5/6 body that is a normal card :D this card is pure trash
This would be much better if it read something like:
"When this minion leaves Stealth become a copy of the last minion your opponent played"
That's actually what I thought it did. Then you could drop it and let it sit there and wait until a minion that you wanted to copy came along and then come out to Stealth to become a copy of it.
I wonder what would happen if you played Harbinger Celestia followed by Dirty Rat. I'm guessing it wouldn't proc, since it's "summoning" the minion instead of them "playing" the card.
only if it was "while this is in your hand, become a copy of the last minion the opponent played"
U should play this card in the right time. Not by playing this on turn 4 and being wasted by some Fireflies.
Battlecry: Gain 400 dust
Same. I'm kind of a completionist and I hate dusting legs, and this is the first one I trashed in 4 years. I didn't even realize it was a legendary at first, I just thought it was just one more unplayable epic
Got a legendary in the second pack of this expansion I opened.
It was this one.
lol, welp, my copy of this is golden. FeelsBadMan
Her stats are too weak for even considering to put this card in your deck.
I would make it a 10/10.