- If your board is full, Varian puts drawn minions into your hand. If Chromaggus is on board, you'd get a copy of the minion. (Source)
- Minions will be played onto the board if your hand is full. (Source)
- Like all minions summoned to the board, minions brought on by Varian don't activate their battlecries. (Source)
How much to buy him directly for real money instead of getting him with dust? Gimme a price. Whatever works, because he is worth it!RIP ;(
16 packs b/c 100 gold = 100 dust (usually)
An Acolyte of Pain, a Cruel Taskmaster and an Armorsmith
Would this work in a big boi recruit warrior? Sounds like it could be fun
Is this card worth keeping?
To quote Garrosh...
A king never falls ...
randuin wrynn
I wonder if this changes to:
Battlecry: Draw 3 cards and recruit any minions drawn.
Recruit is expansion specific to K&C the same way Adapt was for Un'goro. Blizzard said lifesteal is permanent and that they will continue to use it.
No, for the simple fact that recruit means the minion gets summoned out of your deck but this card puts cards in the battlefield when they get drawn so they don't get recruited.
He "died" in two games just to be THE hero of yet a third one.
Still the button Play 3 gives me chills
I think he would be pretty good in the new taunt warrior tho
man so many cards have gone to wild. this massacre must stop, please bring only the fun cards back to standart. WHY U DO THIS ? :(
Why not just play wild?
hope blizzard make this guy Classic card !
I agree ...