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This or Brightwing?
I have just opened him in golden. Is there a viable rogue deck where I can use him or should I dust him?
Can you get DKs (Frost Lich Jaina, Shadowreaper Anduin...) from him?
No as the card text says it only gives you minions. DKs are not are spells/minions.
It has my favorite music when played. Tirisfal Glades / Silverpine Forest nostalgia.
I recently just got him in a pack. What should I do with him? I need a deck to use.
You meme around with him because he is the Meme Collector xD
W E A R E N O O N E , A N D E V E R Y O N E
I find Face Collector to be very slow to use against aggro, the majority of cards that I get after about 20-ish game is either too slow or just plain bad for my deck like Master Oarkheart, Countess Ashmore, and Deathwing, most of the time I used it either as 3 mana 2/2 Echo for tempo or just use it once for value. Sometime I even wish I put Phantom Militia instead of this card in my deck lmao.
This was my free Legendary. Very cool music... Silverpine Forest... Ah.. the spooky memories.
In b4 someone gets triple Deathwing from this making the other copies redundant.
With all do respect, bland and boring. They could've at least given it some fun unique effect or spin while still letting it be a low cost echo card, heck even made it have an echo and combo effect, but just another add a random legendary effect is an utter lack of creativity. Strong or weak, what's important is that it feels like copy pasted filler like this rather than cool or at least slightly innovative.
I agree to everyone who said this works perfectly with Tess,guys Imagine you get some nice minions and you play all of em along the game,and than bam you play tess and ALL of those cards come back,Is like a yogg saron combined with n'zoth,this card is very good 9/10
*plays face collector once*
*gets another face collector*
*plays the other face collector*
*gets another face collector*
Chaining collectors would be a dream actually. Play out the echoed version, then next turn play the new version. Potentially infinite value!
Fun idea and could lead to some interesting games but not very competitive in my opinion. Out classed by Elven Minstrel most of the time.
Because it would be completely busted, that's why
I disagree, Malch sucks and paying 3 mana for one legendary that could be a milhouse, cho, or nat makes it kinda lame for a "legendary" card. I feel like discovering legendaries wouldn't be too busted considering there's still a chance you get some trash card