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Mage quest and Paladin quest, hello?
The Last Kaleidosaur anyone?
Rank 25 forum, this card is amazing with wild puromancer and Lyra + radiant elemental
One day Mukla, they will make you meta, one day.
I honestly really like this card from a design perspective, If it was just one mana less (making it a 5 mana 5/5) I think It'd be really strong.
got him from a pack and tried him , here are my thoughts about him :
First before telling his uses , let's count the math . it's a 5/5 for 6 mana . giving you 2 +1/+1 spells , so that means 7/7 for 8 mana
he makes trading your minions with your opponent's minions way easier (in some situations) like example is , you want to kill a minion but you need 1 more damage , you use 1 of those bananas on that minion so it could kill the opponent's minion (or even better , let the minion survive and keep doing it (like 1 damage away to get killed , your opponent will surely want to remove the threat does costing their spells ) )
IF you use both bananas on 1 minion , doesn't really work out (specially if it reaches 4 up vs priests or 7 up vs all classes (BGH) ) divide the 2 bananas to 2 different minions (this will really work out) also you can use the bananas to kill a minion (your opponent has a minion with 5 OR 6 attack , and you have a BGH ... you will play 1 banana and make the minion targetable with BGH)
the uses of the bananas are really a good fit in tempo mage (Flamewaker)
the 5/5 itself is not that strong , not weak either , on turn 6 is an ok drop
I've been testing this card a bit. Comparing this to Toshley (PBUH), Mukla brings kinda poor value to the table. Toshley is a 6 mana 5/7, it will GURANTEED give you 1 spare part and most likely a second one when it dies. Mukla sacrifices the 2 extra stats for immediate bananas which can have it's benefits, but directly brings quite poor tempo to the table.
I use him in tempo mage great value IMO...
Sometimes the Old Gods' corruptions gives you power untold , sometimes it just changes where you throw bananas.
Got the gold version from a pack yesterday.... I almost ready to dust him for a legendary...
Bananas for Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. : -)
NO! if you use a 1 mana spell you WILL get Humility and your Yogg will become a 1/5 and then you will be sad.
thats not how yogg works. He just casts random spells it doesnt matter what cost the original spell was
Wow...... Just Wow... SMH
its a 2 fold though, you aren't just getting bananas, you are also not giving your opponent bananas. its basically a 6 mana 7/7 with potential for spell synergy.
its 8 mana 7/7. because you must spend 2 mana for playing bananas. this card is basically garbage.
Anyone remember the old Token Druid, with Violet Teacher and Gadgetzan Auctioneer? It didn't really have enough good cheap spells to be consistent.
In Standard, Druid has Mark of Y'Shaarj, Living Roots, Raven Idol, Power of the Wild,Wrath, Mark of the Wild, Innervate, Wild Growth and now this. Could it be enough? Maybe.
And since you are going to be slinging spells left and right, you might as well include Yogg-Saron, Hope's End as a potential finisher.
my thoughts exactly, this is a huge boon for my ROGUE token deck with those two faces + summoning stone