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Such a disgusting card, when you get this as Evolve shaman or via The Fist of Ra-den you are screwed
WHAT FOR?! Why was this card created? for who? for what? it's so unplayable
You know, I wonder if having stealth for one turn would make this playable.
This card was the first I got from the set back at release. But do not despair, comrades, I saw the truth!
Alarm-O-Bot. Ultimate infestation for 0. Ironbeak or Spellbreaker for what mana I did use. Flawless victory!
Well, how often it worked was... But boy was it grand when it did! :D
I still remember the day i was experimenting with a token shaman with The Storm Bringer. I was playing against a warlock. Near the late game he wiped my board two turns consecutively with Twisting Nether but after this i still managed to get three tokens on the board to use the legendary spell on them. One of the minions became Duskfallen Aviana. If my opponent kept one of his big removals he would have been able to destroy the strongest play of my deck and win the game. I won that game. Obviously it's impossible to predict such things will happen but it still bothers me that this trash card can easily ruin a game if it comes out of a random effect. This card is irredeemable garbage. And it was my free witchwood legendary. I still have it because i don't want to risk getting it from a pack.
it's moronic to think situations like this ruin the game. In fact, it's the opposite. Rare trolden moments like this make the game interesting and create stories to tell. The same thing happened to me too but i was the opponent in this case. My opponent played The Storm Bringer and Aviana popped out. I had Malygos in my hand and a discounted Alexstrasza as a 1 cost from Jepetto along with a Lava Burst. This card can be compared to Anomalus. Evolve the minions and get Anomalus. If the opponent clears it you lose the game but its unpredictable stuff like that that happen once in a 200 games that makes things interesting so the card is not garbage. Far from it. We need more cards like this.
I agree that we need bad cards and that those highlights can be fun, but this card is not a good example for this type of thing. There was no need for this card to be this level of unplayable and unbalanced. With its restriction of counting as the first card played for its effect, it's pretty much impossible for the player to take advantage of it and the opponent will get the full benefit and be able to remove it easily. The only way for the player to benefit from this card's effect immediately is through Alarm-o-Bot which is pretty much the worst mech in the game. A terrible card that needs another terrible card to barely help the player (as it can still backfire depending on your opponent) is really, really bad. However,if you make so it doesn't count as the first card played than it instantly becomes really broken even with its drawback because the tempo gain will always be insane either way. It could still backfire horribly but when that doesn't happen it would be completely unfair.
My point is: this card's design is utterly atrocious. As it is right now, it's unusable trash that greatly devalues people's Witchwood packs if they are unfortunate enough to unpack this garbage. Its restriction can't be removed because it would become strictly unfair. And no buff can help it become a better card.
Now compare this garbage card with another garbage card: Millhouse Manastorm. Both are awful cards whose drawbacks usually result in certain defeat for people playing them. However, Millhouse has received support cards that make it not completely unplayable (Call to Arms and Piloted Reaper mainly). That doesn't mean it's less bad of a card but rather that people have viable ways to play with it if they choose so. That's not the case of Duskfallen Aviana. The Alarm-o-bot shenanigans aren't enough because Alarm-o-bot is another unplayable card that dies too easily and even has anti-synergy with magnetic mechs. Duskfallen Aviana is so bad that nothing can be done to save it. That's far from good card design.
TL,DR: Highlights are fun and bad cards are necessary, but they don't need to be totally unplayable with zero reliable support cards or ways to buff or improve them in some fashion. Millhouse is a good example of a bad card, Duskfallen Aviana is a terrible example.
just unpacked a golden from my annoy-o packs. Tempted to keep and build a terrible deck around
One time, the opponent played this. Good thing I had Pyroblast in my hand...
This card is awful garbage...
One day you'll stay alive for just one turn.
One day...
Honestly this is probably the worst card in the entire game. My opponent played this when he had no chance of losing, Instead I got to play my N'Zoth for free and kill his board.
Omg this card is so broken with Millhouse Manastorm!
Just imagine the scenario where you play those two cards in a turn and your opponent has only Ultimate Infestation in hand. If he plays it, he will lose A LOT OF VALUE because he will waste the benefits from Duskfallen Aviana and you will get a free card the next turn plus a 4/4 and a 3/7 on turn 7 (that s THREE STATS WORTH!!)
so...yah this cards not useless.
Using this in a big druid deck or after playing "oaken summons" into a taunt minion, you can make some pretty good plays. Its also pretty effective against aggro decks because "why run minions into her when I can go face" she's actually pretty good if not conditional AF if not just for the reason most big minions in the meta are currently late game finishers that need to be built up like "shudderwok" or "void lord". i'm not saying she's god tear but she can work in the right decks.
quick side note have an "iron beak owl" or "spell breaker" on hand after you play her just in case your opponent is running the "litch king".
is what you are expecting me to say, but in reality, this is garbage
My free legendary.
My first golden legendary
Unbelievably bad legendary strong candidate of The Boogeymonster award of 2018
I think he meant the mighty Millhouse Manastorm
This is a card that requires board control prior to playing it (otherwise it's just a bonus for your enemy, you will never get to use it) but excels with big minion decks that can take advantage of the effect.
So unplayable garbage, basically.
This was the first thing i saw when i started Hearthstone. *sigh*... free dust lol