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(Pyroblast to the face)
The perfect counter to Loatheb! Try it out your opponent goes super mad, when they try to deny your Pyroblast xD
According to https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Blue_dragon, blue dragons are evil.... Evil dragons vs. the league of EVIL!
Fun card, it is nice to get big dragons.
is this bugged? after it died my spells went to normal?
It's a continuous effect, not a battlecry, so once he dies it goes away.
Absolutely amazing. From art-work to its use.
Love it.
I prefer lettucegos tho
If a mage can survive til playing this, it can win the game in 2-3 turns
So overhyped and kinda overated, at least for any kind of control mage in WILD. Has no place because there are already better high mana minions. Don't know about standard.
Good thing you don't have to play the discovered spell you can just play any spell you already have...
Hyped for this card because it gives immediate value. You can play this and protect it via removal spell in the same turn. However, there are not that many "big" mage spells to play to really take full advantage of this.
Pyroblast, Flamestrike, and Power of Creation are the obvious ones.
You forgot luna’s pocket galaxy
hmmm yeah, but if I have to play Luna's pocket galaxy on turn 10 or more, maybe is better concede
Agreed this card bn is going to be a staple in control mage
yea sure , control priest -_-