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Why this still exist?
So sad it's in wild. I've loved decks with this card RIP
I wish there was better counter play to this fucking thing.
It got pretty stupid in standard for a while, but this thing is way too efficient in wild. Between cheap pirates, Oil, and raiding parties, the deck has become very efficient and very explosive.
Hopefully in Rise of Shadows, Blizzard will finally print a card that silences a weapon.
Even better.
Kobold Stickyfinger
It is just a tech card not counter play they are completely different things.
can anyone give me how to counter the Kingsbane deck... it really balanced that i could'nt even find a way to win againts this deck, my lose rate againts Kingsbane Pirate Rogue is around 90%... the 10% is if by any chances i could kill the hero within 5 turn.
I imagine Kingsbane is fun if used yourself, but just playing against this card feels awful. It's balanced I suppose because Kingsbane decks get farmed by aggressive archetypes, but just auto losing because you were playing a control deck and queued into Kingsbane feels awful. It's gotten to the point where people just auto-concede queueing into the decks that run this card. In Wild it's even worse because of more buffs and quicker cycling with Coldlight. If you're a control deck you just don't even get to play the game in Wild in this matchup. It just isn't fun inevitably waiting to lose the matchup but having to play out that 10% just in case you somehow do win. Sure you ooze the card and it gets sent back to their deck but between Shinyfinder and all the draw it's like it doesn't even matter.
This was just a very poorly designed card on Blizzard's fault with the only counters to actually destroying this card being deck destruction like Azari and Gnomeferatu or overdrawing.
Not saying this card is op or anything, but boy its not fun to play against kingsbane decks.
Kingsbane somehow fun to play and also fun to play aganist we need more complex cards like this.
The text on the card here is slightly different from in-game. (might have been changed in the last patch)
It now says: "Always keeps enchantments. Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck."
Yes, indeed. The image need be update!
As well as kingsbane
I thought we would get a counter card this Rastakhan expansion... A Ooze for 6 mana for a 7/3 stats with battlecry: Silence and destroy your opponents weapon.
Nope... Nothing yet to counter this shit.
Call me when this card gets nerfed.
Ring, motherfuckin', ring.
Without perpetual lifesteal, most people now just run Spectral Cutlass decks instead.
They do not nerf legendaries nowadays generally, only a few exceptions. blizzards needs money as a small indie company.
Can anyone tell me how to counters this cancer shit?
blizzard is basically forcing people to play aggro because there are so many anti control decks. miracle rogue isnt even played right now. its either kingsbane rogue or deathrattle rogue.
this shouldnt be 1 mana. so overpowered.
In other words. just suck it till the next rotation because there's still 0 counter card for this retarded weapon.
And by the way, it's called class identity and weakness in each class - Rogue should not have so much healing power, period.