Hero Power
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This is not this card's hero power..
Unbalanced, op.
Gave me ptsd when opponent played her on arena.. Good old times! :)
The best lich queen!
I hate this card sooooo f...king much it's unbelievable ...
Absolutely love this card,easily my favorite in any card game ,so sad it rotates
She gives you the ability to prolongue a game A LOT which is always nice
Also she doesn't create super oppressive boards (unless the opponent is an irl weasel or something) so she isn't even a huge immediate threat that needs an immediate answer (unlike e.g hadronox)
And, most importantly, she is an incredibile value generator that DOESN'T go infinite and CAN be outvalued through means that are not Just killing her (which is why seeing people hate this card only makes me wanna play her more)
Edit: I forgot, elementals are my favourite creatures in ANY fantasy setting and it sucks that blizzard hates them both in the lore (they got ultrareckt by everyone) and in game (they have the worst tribal synergy mechanic BY FAR) and this card is the only REALLY good elemental synergy one
Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: the format/look of my favorite post (out of the ones I made anyway) was bothering me...so I fixed it
Auto-concede card...
The card I hate the most to play against (for me much worse than gul'dan, ultimate infestation,...)
Because there usually is no good way to play around.
1. go face and try to finish soon - the enemy will trade perfectly + ping to clear your board next turn
2. trade - disadvantage because you have to make sure she can't ping + lifesteal heals Jaina full.
and even if I manage that, she has almost infinite value if she can ping by using some spells, rush minions,....
Thank C'thun, it rotates out soon, just can't wait for the day. Should buy a cake in advance.
Frost Lich Jaina doesn't bow to Blizzard's Suppression
Normal Jaina has a new dresscode enforced on her however:
This is only meant for the china-censored version of hearthstone, to appease the party leaders (CPC), but then forced upon everyone, because, you know, $.
Blizzard's new p2w strategy: only DK Jaina shows cleavage
The reason why I quit playing control decks. Even with Mindbreaker disabling the Hero Power, its Lifesteal is busted.
My favorite Death knight :)
Absolute joke of a card. Because of how good it is,mind you.
9 mana beat any control deck at all. this card really shouldn't exist, needs to either not give lifesteal or the hero power needs to summon like a 3/3 elemental that doesnt freeze anything or something
sick and tired of losing 20+ minute games to this dumb piece of garbage just because of the lifesteal
I so fucking hate this card.
i am so glad it rotated out XD
Like most of the Death Knights this feels overloaded, but I like how it helps enable Elemental Mage.
I think it just shouldn't summon a free Water Elemental given how powerful the hero power and lifesteal are for a comeback.
That permanent value should come at the cost of a fairly dead turn.
too freaking strong. cant win against it as a control deck. (unless its quest warrior or dead mans warrior)