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Does this mean Rhonin is dead in Hearthstone lore too (if you can even call it ‘lore’)?
Got her golden from a pack.
Definitely very cool legendary. It opens up a new hunter archetype based around aggressive spells and spell/spell damage based minions with her and maybe Zul'jin as finishers
I have this card only for the Lore :)
I thought this card was trash, i dusted it. Then someone went deep into legend with it and jepetto and now ppl think its broken. Its not broken. I've come across it 3 times, lost but once, and it was not due to that card. The jepetto malygos hunter combo was on the first day of the new meta and has yet to be seen as successful since. Spell hunter is like tier 2-3 right now, Oblivitron and deathrattle hunter is broken tho.
So i made my own variation with mechs and lots of aggressive spells. 17-2 right now in 300-1200 legend rank. Please don't share an opinion that would lead users completely away from this card, when it is only you who simply can't use it.
This is it, Blizzard? This and a handful of even weaker cards are what's going to replace Rhok'delar in Spell Hunter, three turns of Spell Damage +2 on a 2/3 weapon?
I didn't care for the deck archetype before rotation, but this actually makes Mech Hunter look appealing in comparison.
Have to agree. Some card draw wouldn't hurt so we don't have to see so many hunters going face like there was no tomorrow. Kinda feel bad for them, but also getting really pissed when losing to it.
Can i get it from Stolen Steel?
No you can't. This weapon is generated by another card( counts as tokencard I think) so u cant get it from random effects. Only from eindrunner it self. Hope that clarifies :)
I think that the only deck that would really care about this +2 Spell Damage past turn 7 is Spell Hunter. I don't think Spell Hunter is going to want to run a Minion...
can i help you sir ?? Rummaging Kobold
Well there is a twinspell to go with it in Rapid Fire, so there is that. Maybe some other shenanigans
In between this, as well as Tuskarr Fishermen and Ancient Mages on more durable stealth minions, and, of course, not just Arcane Shot, but also the new Rapid Fire, I think we may have Malygos OTK hunter without Malygos, on our hands.
I meant a non-malygos one, though. A reliable one too, which Jepetto isn't really when with just 1 minion.