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comparing to the new equality, shrink ray looks pretty good
The golden animation is backward. The goblin should become smaller, not bigger.
This card is really good for the new archtype of palas deck
This card really shines against 2-3 big big minions more so than a wide board. Great control tool, though weather control paladin is a thing remains to be seen.
it's better but costs 5 mana though.
I hate playing against equality, now this...
Missed playing control pally--been way too long
Could be awesome as an arena card. Its only good when you’re behind to help stabilise the board and turn big threats into potatoes. Outside of that, equality probably does the job better. Definitely viable as a one-off in control or even odd pally as a stall/clear tool.
Honestly, the best use I can see for this to have a positive affect on your side of the board is for minions that generally have 0 attack like Devilsaur Egg. Otherwise if you are running this for removal, you would only have one of these to act as a third Equality.
Beardo is wild only and Paladin has much better methods of OtK in wild than that trash ass deck.
I wonder why this is a 5 cost card and not a 4 cost card, but still an insanely strong board control spell. I really like it.
It is 5 cost in order to act as the middle ground in comparison to Equality + Consecration which is 6 mana. Though that still leaves to question why you would run this card over Equality.
You wouldn't, but sometimes you want more than 2 equalities.. Control is back!
This and Mossy Horror on curve…
mass polymorph
Not a transform mechanic.
Did Regis just semi predict another card two expansions in a row?
Edit: https://youtu.be/ieT85bRbLdo?t=24m25s
Growth Ray: Set the Attack and Health of all minions to 10.
Medium Ray: Set the Attack and Health of all minions to 5.