Card Clarifications
- The reward for this quest is Amara, Warden of Hope.
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I really hope that with the new cards incoming, Quest Priest will not be a Tier 1 (or just popular) deck. Already playing against it is the worst experience if it highrolls you.
That would truly be one of the worst metas of all time. Blizz better have their playtesting done - fortunately in the past this was never an... oh wait. OK we're fooked.
trust me - quest priest isn't nearly as frustrating as other decks when they highroll, cubelock for example.
Is it worth to craft awaken the makers now?
Hell yes the deck build around it is very fun
Thank you
Over 55% say this is meta-defining, but I never see this used in priest decks in constructed anymore since the release of KOTFF. I'm assuming it sees more play in wild.
It's important to remember that these polls are started when cards are first revealed which can also skew it. Certainly did have much more use though when people were excited to play with all the different quests and that changed up when we got the Death Knight toys.
Does someone has a deck for Free 2 players with this Quest?
Tried this in wild. But I am poor guy w/o N'zoth. Even w/o him it's good.
Ragnaros 40 hp *_*
Fire Plume's Heart -> Sulfuras
Sulfuras + Bring It On! = Ragnaros 40 hp
Got three of these after I opened 171 packs on day one of release. RNG is never on my side. Tried the Quest and it was ok.
Please bring a golden animation back.
As someone who has mostly played Priest for their entire hearthstone career, I just don't like this card. The card itself I think is good but the condition makes running it in a deck feel not so great. Priest just doesn't have access to enough really good deathrattles to make it work in my opinion. It's almost like a few really good deathrattles cards were removed from the classic set. There are a few cool gimmic decks that can be made but nothing that seems to be overly viable in the current meta. Better luck next expansion I suppose...
Raza + Majordomo + Amara + Kazakus = FeelsGoodMan
You had to be fast to take that picture before your opponent hit the concede button.
(Skip to 4:23 to see the clip I refer to.) So apparently Amara, Warden of Hope counts as a healing effect for purposes of cards that care about or interfere with healing. Thus a new text inconsistency with Alexstrasza is created - both say "set a hero's health to XX" but only Amara counts as healing. Just when they fixed Druid of the Claw, too...
I think this quest's reward can be used as a better version of Reno Jackson in Highlander Priest. And I am going to make it work :D