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Can someone tell me why this card is a priest card? Priests don't usually have many 1-cost minions that they want to play late-game
Edit: Just remembered Spirit of the Dead
Sure, it could work
like him still
Good card
This is inte
I'm here for the achievement
I got him and Princess Talanji. Waiting for either to become viable in any deck that isnt a meme lol
I've just realized this guy's based on "El Barón Samedi" (Baron -> Bwon; Samedi -> Samdi), which is the actual "loa of the dead" in Haitian Vodou religion.
The missing key to the legendary weasel tunneler deck.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't know what true depravity is
Here is the deck for him. What do u think about it?
The problem with this card is that to make use of it, you need to stuff your deck full of 1 cost minions to get value from it. Which means you'll either need to start the game with a weak deck full of trash minions, or contrive some way to add a bunch of high quality 1 cost minions to your deck. Spirit of the Dead is the only card that Priest can play which has that effect, and it is heavily dependent on getting minions to stick on your board before you can play it, then trading them in. This is a really long-odds combo, and without further support, I don't see it being worth the 400 dust you can get by disenchanting it.
A deck i am running is essentially quest priest, coupled with the
2 mana copy a card to your hand spell and mirage caller, and of course, the spirits and bwonsamdi himself. What i try to do is have at least two spirits on the board, and if they dont have any sourt of aoes then you can just infinitely cycle taunt minions like lich king or obsidian statue. Not rlly effective, but its fun to pull off.got him, what deck should i make?
Seems to gimmicky to me... I dunno. The combo seems cool but very unreliable. Spirit of the Dead on board into Zerek's Cloning Gallery with what, Wild Pyromancer to kill them all? Or hope your opponent does. Then you draw them with Bwonsamdi, the Dead and play Princess Talanji to cheat them out? Too much work...
today i tried out the new cards and there was this priest formula Deck which was insane.
bwonsamdi and Spirit of the dead together is just bonkers.especially with keleseth and surrender to madness.
Drawing one drops late in the game in priest is not the same as drawing the top card of your deck. I hope it ends up being good, but I don't see what deck it would fit in.
Well if Ancient of Lore was an auto include (pre nerf) then this probably will be as well
I think Firebat said it best when he asked whether someone would play a War Golem that draws...the answer is yes.
Hear me out on this combo: with 1 tick off thaurissan on most of the combo, you can go double spirit of the dead + double augmented elekk. Then trade in a leeroy on the same turn, next turn play surrender madness + bwonsamdi, then the turn after that you attack with 6 8/4 leeroys for 48 damage. Probably only will work against the Inkeeper, but we'll see :D
Cool and good card. In a deathrattle deck, it has a nice sinergy with the priest Quest, though there are better ways to fulfill its conditions. I like it, which is enough to want it in my packs :)