The Ransom
This card is given to your opponent after you play King Togwaggle. They can swap decks back for 5 mana.
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Probably late, but...yeah
good deck to try
A rogueishly handsome kobold king in search of a deck. I dare anyone who can create a control deck that can make King Togwaggle work.
It took two more expansions, but you probably know by now.
Togwaggle druid is insane. In standard. Without Twig.
Look guys, I got dragoncaller!
yay you got dragoncaller and sleepy dragon yay
Ha, I just got it golden myself, couple of mintues ago. And in previous pack there was legendary too - looks like King Togwaggle likes to keep shiny stuff close to himself.
As a self proclaimed fantasy Doctor, I can tell you that a golden King Togwaggle with a golden Archbishop Benedictus are prime symptoms of dragon sickness affliction. At the moment, there's no known cure for this sickness, except for early retirement, for which intense craving and convulsions are to be expected for the 1st couple years after complete withdrawal from all contact with the source of temptation. Best of luck <3
I hated this card even before expansion came out and a few days ago I got this from pack. What an irony!
Damn warriors keep playing journey to ungoro and swaping decks then using geist and it really doesn't work. All these memes should stay dreams.
OK seriously now, this guy is quickly becoming one of my favorite cards. I was having trouble making him work in a mill Druid deck. I then made a miracle rogue deck with him, and with some tweaking, it’s AMAZING. So the idea is to draw through your own deck incredibly fast and control the board with very efficient spells and minions. I typically reach fatigue with my opponent having about 10 cards left in their deck. Depending on how the game is going, you can either draw them to ten cards in hand and play King Toggwaggle to mill the King’s Ransom, OR I figured out last game that you can just save two cold light oracles and then play them after switching decks (while you are fatigued). Just finished off an evolve Shaman with 17 damage to the face this way. Of course, I’m playing in wild and using Emperor Thaurissan to enable the combos.
I opened Gold too. To meme or to dust - that is the question?
he has a lamp protecting his candle, Woah
u no take candle indeed
For maximum meme potential:
-Play a deck that has: Explore Un'goro (EU), Geist, Coldlight Oracle (CO) and King Togwaggle (also be the second play for the coin).
-Wait until you draw Geist, EU, CO and Togwaggle.
-Play EU, then pass
-Play CO, coin then Togwaggle (mill ransom)
-Play Geist and emote :)
Add The Darkness in the end for even more lulz
Assuming the enemy player isn't playing aggro, of course.
You could also add in Iron Juggernaut (in wild format).
hemmet + counterspell :D