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A total crap card ruining meta in this game. its mindless and a saving grace for players who were on their backfoot all game due to lack of game sense and strategy. this needs a nerf.
It's not even played, it's like T3 or T2 at max
Even Shaman is by far more annoying than a Turn 9 "kill"
this should be nerfed to 10 mana
Iosers still spamming shudderwock devs still brainIess not to nerf.. seems about right
For cards like this one is why people stop playing this garbage game.
as a wild control player shudderwock is absolutely disgusting and still needs to be nerfed into the ground because spamming infinite shudderwock is just the most dirtbag thing someone can do
pos scrubs still spamming infinite shudderwock NERF THIS SHT
still broken lame and boring perfect for normie Ioser scrub androids incapable of any originality whatsoever
absolutely loathe this card because its the only shaman deck normies use highlander infinite loop shudderwock zzz boring and beta
I hope they never print a card like this again. #1 most cancerous card? I think so.
“Hey, wanna drag this out? I’m ya man.”
-Cooper, friend of Lt. Eddy
Galakrond shaman meta be like
Battlecry: Invoke Galakrond 4 times (and summon 4 2/1s with rush) also summon 2 8/8s with rush and also equip a 5/2 sharp finger. Invoke Galakrond again but there's no more board space and also add a random lackey to your hand (a witchy lackey would be cool to turn shudderwock into a 10-drop because he's clearly not overpowered enough). Transform one of your other minions into shudderwock (but no extra battlecry for you haha). Draw a card maybe idk
and then unleash a devastation
But shudderwock is going into wild next year so I guess it would kill the galakrond shaman in standard a bit more than that nerf did
As easy as only let the battlecry of this card trigger once per game. You really think devs can't do that? Ofc they could. Card would be still powerful but not stupidly broken. So if you manage to get more Shudders the battecry won't work and you only drop a pile of stats, simple. They need to do something about this nonsense card because it's probably the card in all HS history that limits the design space the most.
With the 2500 armor druid rolling all over wild this atrocity doesn't look like a bad idea.
How to kill a game... this card. So stupid.
you posted this on the wrong card, should have posted on Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
I decided to open one more Witchwood pack in case I would get one of the hall of fame cards.
Blizzard - just delete this bullshit from universe and don't try anything like it ever again. period.
Now that the infinite combo doesn't exist anymore (in standard at least) this card should be more fair. But i haven't seen anyone trying anything new with it despite its potential. It seems people only like unfair instant win things in this game and anything that's changed to be fair isn't worth playing. Really sad.
Still viable in Wild, where you can use him in different scenarios, other than OTK or Jades. N'Zoth/Quest/Reno/Yogg comes to mind.