Card Clarifications
- This card functions like pre-nerf Yogg. (source)
- Battlecries of minions will not trigger. (source)
- If you previously stole a Hero card from your opponent's class, played it, and became that class, Tess plays all of your Rogue cards instead. (source)
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Just wanted to share this because it’s really funny.
I played Tess, she started to play all the cards from another class randomly. After a few secrets she multishots a sylvanas windrunner who dies from that. She takes Tess and after that all the cards she played are for the opponent. She swarmed the board with minions and leave me with nothing.
Thank you Tess! XD
P.S: I love you! ❤️
Can anyone explain that why playing Tess Greymane wont effect Aya Blackpaw. New update?
Battlecry: If you previously played Academic Espionage, destroy all of your opponent's hopes and dreams.
I think I am gonna craft this one when The Boomsday project expansion arrives!
Bahaha incredible. Needs The Lich King and Elise the Trailblazer looking over her shoulders.
Doesnt work like Pre-Nerf Yogg now that it was changed with the new patch, so someone needs to change the clarifications
Garbage like Face Collector. Both are meme cards. Don't play them in constructed.
in what order does tess plays the cards?
:O thats so sad
I'm thinking about crafting tess, just for fun. (rogue is my favorite class) but does it even make fun? Or is it just frusrating? And if I Shadowstep Tess and play her again, will cards be played 2 times? because one time for the actual play and once for the first Tess?
It plays cards from your other classes, not rouge, so Tess would play those cards once.
No it won't.
cool card
Full art of Tess
thanks man
Her stance looks incredibly awkward but I like that she looks like the Demon Hunter in D3.
Just if you imagine she isn't in motion
It's worth noting that the replay order follows a "first in last out" strategy. That is, if I played other class cards A, B, then C, and then I throw down Tess, they will be replayed in the reverse order as C, B, and A. This is important if you use a board wipe spell. Plan accordingly!Actually... I don't know anymore. Is the order random? I just confused myself during my last game...