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I guess this cards dislike posts were made prior to Rise of Shadows. The Lackey engine and the new Saviors of Uldum Quest make Shaman great again (at least in wild). This card can end a game single handedly. It can make comebacks. It can extend leads. It can do virtually everything. I've read that Bloodlust is better cause you can win the game with it sooner. How is this true if you play Lackey engine but your opponent constantly tries to clear your board so that you have 3-4 minions? Bloodlust does 12-15 dmg then...wow thats big considering all the heal cards nowadays...However this card always creates a very dangerous board out of nothing and if your opponent doesnt have a Mass Removal you've definitely won. Wild #1 Legend currently also plays this in his Evolve deck and for a good reason. Won me a lot of games since I crafted it, wise decision
Would The Storm Bringer work with Call in the Finishers? 4 mana +6 mana= decent play? (Play Call in the Finishers first of course)
Buff incoming boyss
Ah yes, the default Hagatha spell
should i dust this cuz i never play this?
If you've never had the fun of using this to turn a gaggle of murlocs into the 5 Dragon Aspects, that's your loss.
didn't have evolve/devolve but used this against the Lich King, got good rolls and won!!
Packed it, threw it in a overload token shaman, filled with sparks and bloodlust and elemental generation and all that good stuff, and it's actually pretty good! Bloodlust is used as a finisher, or at least to push damage, but this is used to upgrade your board, which is an awesome when you don't have or want to use your bloodlust but have a wide board that could probably be cleared the following turn. And thunder head generates sparks so efficiently, not to mention firefly. So far, I'm loving this card, it's a lot of fun.
Just packed a Golden, does it spawn gold minions?
I think it does
Yeah, it sucks opening a free legendary of your choice.
Packed a golden one of these... RIP me
Board fills with 7 The Darkness....
can MAYBE see this working in an evolve list in wild but honestly it's a tough card to use as you can't combo it with Doppelgangster and it's tough to maintain a large board of small minions around turn 7 to use this on.
Rip Fifth Harmony
this card's insane with the 1 mana summon 2 sparks. Imagine turn 9 playing 4 sparks, and you on average will get like 20-25 mana worth of minions on your board. I think this card is a major sleeper of the set. Average legendary costs like 5-6 mana and you can easily combo this with stuff and your hero power. Shame it isn't even though.
Unless it says where the minions it changes are or "(wherever they are)" or something, it's just the board. See Twisting Nether
This will probably be my Gold Legendary card for SURE. *cry*
you can get only minions from the pre purch :D
I got Flark’s Boom-Zooka for my golden pre-purchase card. So unless I got ripped off....