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I'd smash
Her new best friend, Walking Fountain just got revealed! :) Countess into the fountain seems really strong .. Let's see if that is enough to make her playable :)
Her quote completely off!! It's "ONE, TWO, THREEEEEEE MINIONS AH, AH, AH, AHHHHHH" lol
My take on Boomsday Ashmore Val'anyr Paladin with the new Magnetic synergy's & Kangor's Endless Army
Kangor's Buff Army
This to pull Mecha'thun, The Curator to further thin ur deck...
Funny how Countess Ashmore was never really played
Hope it will be awesome soon :P
Play this in tempo priest to draw double obsidian statues :D
Full art of Ashmore
not bad but WAY over rated. Currently life steal minions are really weak and most of the good rush minions are only in warrior. This card could be good someday but not today.
If only this could draw Frost Lich Jaina.
New Waifu! <3
This is so good in Warrior, since you can draw both a Deathrattle and a Rush.
Why doesn't she draw Leeching poison?
Because Leeching Poison doesn't have Lifesteal, it has an effect that gives your weapon Lifesteal.
As a counterexample, Drain Soul is a spell that actually has Lifesteal (as opposed to granting Lifesteal to another card). Whether Ashmore draws it or not, I'm not sure, but her text suggests to me that she should.
She's still good with Kingsbane! But only gonna draw it if you buffed it with Leeching Poison. Also good with drawing Rogue's rush pirate.
actually she draws kingsbane either way because it has deathrattle
Yes! But it will be less effective if you have another deathrattle in the deck XD.
5 star card here :
best picture
best flavor text
Good stats
best skill
most control decks will have her for sure
1 minion… ah, ah, ah! 2 minions… ah, ah, ah! 3 minions… ah, ah, ah!
Second coming of Pensaer?