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should be rare not legendary , there is many cards do same purpose and better than this .
RIP further. Play Dead
Malorne is a god
"Soon I won't see play!"
My favorite moment with the Princess would have to be against a Druid in my Wild Deathrattle Hunter Deck.
My opponent had several minions on the board, including Sylvanas Windrunner, Ancient of War, and several smaller minions. All I had was a Sylvanas Windrunner which I had previously played Infest on, and an empty hand.
My turn comes around and what do I top deck? Princess Huhuran! I played her on my Sylvanas Windrunner, stealing my opponent's Sylvanas Windrunner and putting a random beasts in my hand. What was that random beasts? A second Princess Huhuran! I played the second one on my Sylvanas Windrunner and stole my opponent's Ancient of War, promoting him to concede!
While Princess Huhuran may be obsolete with the release of Terrorscale Stalker, she'll always have a place in my heart for the fun times she's given me!
Rip princess huhuran :/
goodnight sweet princess
Super underrated in my book. One of the strongest 5 drops in standard. Thought it is stronger later in the game if you manange to hit one of your bigger deathrattles. Barnes can help you cheat out this effect. Even if you dont get the effect, you still have a bulky 6 attack beast, which helps your opponent get to zero health pretty quick.
Maybe it become decent with Yogg nerferino
Barnes makes this card even more viable with deathrattle decks.
I really like her card sounds.
Got this card in a pack a week or so ago. I didn't play much Hunter so I almost dusted it, however, I ended up doing some research and found that this can be useful in a N'Zoth Hunter deck. Never played N'Zoth Hunter before so I made one! I'm not sure I would have actually spent the dust to craft it, but it has been a key piece in a number of wins over the past few days so I'm glad I have it. Getting it to trigger on Cairne or the Highmane is great but even just triggering a ping on the fiery bat can win the game I found. Overall, I'd say it's a well balanced card. Not OP, but not weak either.
I crafted this card for my N'zoth Hunter. Please, take my advice and don't craft this. It's pretty much the same as houndmaster: You either get good value for it's cost, or just pay too much mana for -meh- stats.
50% chance you end up playing it by itself, since it's the only thing that fills up the 5 mana slot now that Sludge Belcher is gone
40% chance you use it on small minion like infested wolf or fiery bat.
10% chance you get 'the dream' and you use it on your Sylvanas / Cairne / Highmane. Which is like 1 in 15 games since you often don't even play it at all.
This is a pretty good card which has can give you lot of value. It even won me a game when I only used it on a Fiery Bat. + Using it on small minions is usually fantastic against zoo decks.
ps. In Wild is where this card really, really shines.
This card CAN give you a lot of value. The problem is that, in my experience, it very often doesn't.
"I wont the game by Huhuran triggering a 1 damage random ping." - You can probably say that about 1/1000 games.
I tried this card for a good 50 games and it almost always was meh. I have nothing else to play right now.
i love her little crown
Blizzard is trying way too hard to make Deathrattle Hunter a thing.
I accidentally crafted this one time just because I wanted to hear the music that plays when it enters the battlefield (really stupid, I know), and when I went to undo it for full dust value, I accidentally clicked off of the screen and BAM. Huhuran was mine. I eventually DE'd it for Face Shaman stuff, though.
Jesus. 12 downvotes??? Hearthpwn needs to chill.