Galakrond, the Wretched

Card Text
Battlecry: Summon
1 random Demon.
Flavor Text
Fel-flames slowly writhed around the skeleton, until the great bones knit themselves together into a demonic monstrosity. Rafaam shielded his face from the heat but could not hide his grin.
Can't wait to play this fully Invoked and it summons four Unlicensed Apothecary
Imagine Odd Warlock using this with the Invoke cards, basically becoming the demon version of Odd Paladin. Really wanna see how it turns out in wild.
Too unpredictable. Can't wait to see the other Dragon Control Galakronds outclass it.
The amount of stats you get off this card (fully upgraded) is anywhere between 24/24 (4 Jumbo Imp) and 4/4 (4 Witchwood Imp). I wish they wouldn't print cards with such ridiculous amounts of variance. Especially not build-aroundsj.
4x8 = 32
Well actually lowest you can get is 4 blood imps a total of 0/4 on spawn "Kappa"
I Agree 100% with you about the variance I think which was the main point of your post...
Wild RNG is and has been ruining Hearthstone for me for a long time. I am afraid Blizzard is quite happy with it. That is why I changed my main card game...
But what are the hero powers baby?!
Seems like this will be good in zoo but difficult in other decks... :-(