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does not matter which druid deck i play, flobbidious floop is always included!
Where is the Druid theme here?? This is getting ridiculous....
It's an ooze that's also a biologist... what else would it be except a druid card?
Golems are a girl's best friend!
should this trigger Spectral Cutlass?
I have all the cards for malygos druid except Flobbidinous Floop and Alexstrasza. Which one should I craft first? (Only have enough for 1 legendary)
Okay, I just noticed the date. Sorry.
Hey guys random thing I found out not sure if its glitched. When you play Dream Pedal Florist it can reduce the cost of Floop untill you play another minion then Floop returns to 4 mana. Has anyone else had this problem??
Not a glitch. As of Boomsday, if a minion transforms in your hand (Floop, Zerus, Chameleos), it doesn't keep any enchantments from its previous form.
This guys name seems inspired from Rick and Morty
Just got this beauty! Golden! Shot my glorious gloop all over when i saw it!
Lmfao I just crit myself!!!
This is my favorite card just because I like saying it out loud.
besides maly druid,in what deck can this guy be played in standard?it has negative synergy with oaken summosn and oakheart
Taunt Druid can use him to get another Hadronox, if not running Oaken Summons. A Mecha'thun Druid could also run Floop as a low-costing way to trigger the deathrattle, allowing a combo without Galvanizer and Naturalize to dodge Skulking Geist.
i got him, should i dust him cuz i dont have Malygos
You phrased your question wrong. The question should be "should I craft Maylgos cuz I have Floop"
Yes. The answer is yes.
?, craft malygos or dust floop
i dont have enough dust
also i got morrigan, boomship and some warlock legendary like warlock quest and rin first desciple
should i dust them all?