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The dragon tag just became a lot more relevant on Emeriss. With both Crowd Roaster and Firetree Witchdoctor benefitting from the dragon tag, and Dragonmaw Scorcher and Primordial Drake being good board clears, it's not hard to see this appearing in a viable control hunter deck. Add in Stitched Trackers, Vicious Scalehides, Corpsetaker, Dire Frenzy, and DK Rexxar and suddenly hunter has all the tools to be a control deck: Board Clears, Card draw, Heal, and a Late Game win condition.
It's so strange yet so funny that the best place for this card is in a Warrior deck nowadays OMEGALUL
drew two of these guys from Dragon Roar In my control dragon warrior, played one, my opponent played vanish, got them both off and ended up summoning a 32/17 Twilight Drake lmao
Do you think it was planned to make a hunter card that suck in hunter deck but very strong for other class like warrior with a bit of luck with rng?
The Shaman dream, The Storm Bringer on a full board into Emeriss into Grumble, Worldshaker. Will it ever happen? Probably not. Will the opponent concede as soon as you Grumble, Worldshaker? Probably.
I got this as my free legendary, and didn't know what to do with it until today, when I caved and decided to craft the King Krush and Charged Devilsaurs I needed for Recruit Hunter... and it's actually won me quite a few games against control decks!
It actually helps patch up a couple weaknesses the deck might normally have. It makes King Krush a lot less painful to draw early because you can get value out of him as 16 or 18 damage burst, and by doing so, gives you more reach against the control decks that heal for days. If you draw Emeriss early and you know your opponent is playing a grindy deck like Control Mage, you can even Stitched Tracker for a second Krush (it sounds greedy as hell, but my climb from rank 5 to 3 tonight has been crawling with Control Mages and Taunt Druids and I've won at least 2 games because I had a second Krush when I played Emeriss). Turning a Witchwood Grizzly into a 6/24 monster isn't half bad either.
I legit thought this card was trash, but it turns out with a meta as slow as the one I've been experiencing, it can actually do work and isn't COMPLETELY a meme.
Still not seeing any okay
It's awesome when a Dragon Priest gets this one out of his Bone Drake and rushes a 8/24 Sleepy Dragon on the board....awesome feeling.
Awesome with Soggoth and faceless maniuplators :)
Got this card as my free legendary, and hunter is one of my main classes so I decided to build a deck around this card. I actually got a pretty decent Control Hunter deck that I enjoy playing. But despite being inspired by Emeriss, this card is definitely NOT the MVP of the deck, it's a win-more card at best. You really can only play it when you're ahead and can sacrifice a turn, otherwise you'll lose the game. To change the situation, this card needs to have Taunt on it.
The cards that really make Control Hunter possible are (from best): Deathstalker Rexxar, Dire Frenzy, Vicious Scalehide, and Stitched Tracker. Emeriss is simply there to make sure I don't lose my lead. I hope Blizzard realizes this and adds Taunt to the card to make it playable without losing momentum.
It's pretty gud
I think I am going to try Hand Hunter x)
This + Tundra Rhino + weenies w/Dire Frenzy. 20+ damage in one turn!
Been very impressed with this card so far. Yes, it's garbage against aggro, but in the right control matchup it will outright win you the game.
Not super competitive, but not dust either.
There are 2 problems with this card:
1. Such a big tempo loss at turn 10 (tempo loss in hunter hurts the most)
2. Hunter lacks card draw so if you were to hold on to your big threats going into turn 10 to buff, you were winning the game already. If you were to play for board or try to push any advantages, you won't have a hand at turn 10 to buff. This essentially makes this card a win more card.
Her flavor text indirectly is telling you to use leeroy as a 12/4
yay c'thun hunter is a thing now
What a clever idea, here's my take on it.