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This is a INSANE card. Wow...
Defile for when you run Prince Keleseth
Godfrey, while powerful, is stupid because Defile is only good against tempo decks - decks that play small minions. AoE maximum is the strongest asset for a control deck against other control decks, and Godfrey is incapable of clearing large minions [without tempo cards mixed in].
Got the gold version of it ccoupl days ago,is it worth to DE it for Baku or shudderwock?
Depends if you enjoy playing Warlock or not really
The Token Druid terminator.
It's Tokeminator!
Warlock legendary using guns ,looks funny to me haha!
It’s like Defile but better.
This card is f***ing nuts. This most likely will define also Wild Control Warlocks for ages to come
Can somebody explain the flavor text?
"Lord Vincent Godfrey is a renegade nobleman from Gilneas who opposed his king, Genn Greymane (the Alliance), after discovering that Genn and many of his people had been afflicted with the worgen curse. After committing suicide rather than acknowledge a worgen as his lord, Godfrey's body was recovered and reanimated by the Forsaken (them being the Horde), but after turning on them as well, he fled into the abandoned ruins of Shadowfang Keep, where he and his followers remain." -Wowpedia
Now the achievement points are a bit of a mystery to me, but the fancy hat is quite obvious :P
This card is definitely worth crafting.
Not as insane as it seemed to be, but still its a very solid board removal that will definitely always see play both in standard and wild.
It's best suited for Control warlock rather than normal cubelock but still a great removal for both. A cheaper Twisting Nether that leaves a 4/4 on the board, and works better for chains of minions like with Hadronox, or enemy Voidlord/ Carnivorous Cube. (Still doesn't completely replace Nether since it relies on the board state and some minions could simply be out of reach)
Is it too early to craft this?
I'm wondering the same. I play for fun and have crafted Tess and Cameleos so far. I think Godfrey for my Control Warlock is close to next on my list.
Nah, he's pretty good in wild and any control warlock
-Lord Godfrey, please, tell us, what do you think about new Shaman Shudderwock legendary?
-This will be a meta killer!
I'm so mad that they didn't used the original uncensored artwork.
What are you referring to? Could you post a link for reference?
Here you can find the original artwork.