We've prepared for you an easy-to-understand article with all the new changes, cards, and other things coming with the new Wild-exclusive Caverns of Time set.
NEW Cards - Live NOW
Just click on the card to display a pop-up where you can hover over the related cards as well as see a bigger resolution of the cards.
We put the 2 completely reworked cards into this section because their effects are new.
Just click on the card to display a pop-up where you can hover over the related cards to better understand what changed as well as see a bigger resolution of the cards!
Well greedy Blizzard managed to dissapoint me again.
The old wild card and the new bvuffed ones imported with Caverns have a different card I.D.
This means that lets say you have a golden Acolyte of Pain from the old times, its is buffed to 1-4, but when u open a golden pack you get the same card but (i.e. Again an Acolyte 1-4) but it occupies a new position in your cards book, thus not making is a safe choice to disenchant the new ones cause you maybe not be avle to use them in the Twist version of the game e.g.
i would appreciate any thoughts on this
Pretty messed up, I've gotten 2 legendary cards that I already had. Making new packs worthless.
Are there bundles of the new cards you can buy?
Could this article be attached somewhere under the expansions tab, to make it easier to find for the future?
That was a good suggestion. Added it to the Expansions tab, and since it has no proper place in the time line, I just popped it in at the very top. :)
wish they just used the Recruit Keyword for some of these...
The Mug (Cup) and Jug (Pitcher) were originally from the One Night in Karazhan adventure mode.
Rather underwhelming for most archetypes. Aggro & Singleton Shadow Priest getting a Filletfighter on steroids, a 7 drop board clear and a tradable Shadow spell is quite substantial, I will admit.
I appreciate the attempt - I really do. But these changes do not do much to challenge the meta tyrants in Wild.
e: fix't text
Wow...Worgen Greaser is actually playable now. Im looking forward to this.
More accurately, the card you have will be buffed to the new stats/effect.
Well seeing as the next Twist rotation is Launch up through Mean Streets, Jade decks and potentially Pirate Warrior would’ve been strong as they were. Seeing as how those were the big decks back then. But they wanted to try and boost them to make the mode as a whole more appealing while maybe bringing back some of the cards back to relevance in Wild. Druid CThun is the big one in Wild that I can see the potential since Psychmelon will now draw Cthun, Aviana, and Kun. And if you can pair that wil say Brann and Zola, it only takes a few buffs on Cthun to dish out 60+ pings in a turn. With Druid’s mana ramp, draw, and armor gain, it could be viable, but we shall see.
First off, is this a copy/paste of your last rant about these cards, after it got downvoted into oblivion?
Second, maybe just chill out. If you don’t want to deviate from the meta report, that’s okay. Let others like me have their fun and play with the old cards.
Third, these changes are all effecting cards in the next Twist rotation. So the changes are meant to “balance” Twist, or at least make the mode more appealing. Any power boost to these cards that effects Wild is a bonus.
Lastly, it’s a good thing you don’t work for Blizzard. Delete old cards? That’s ridiculous! No card game is ever going to delete a card for being weak. In fact, deleting a card entirely when in a digital space is just not a great idea. Unlike a physical card game where you can’t change a card, in games like Hearthstone you either buff or nerf the card instead of “deleting” or banning it.
And why change the effects on old cards when instead those new effects can just be used for new cards later? In very rare instances has Blizzard reworked a card. And it’s usually because the effect is too good, or too limiting on design space. The other exception is whenever they needed to rework Priest’s identity.
Again, just because you can’t find ways to make “bad cards” or bad archetypes work, doesn’t mean that other more skilled players can’t.
Your opinions are complete dogshit and you sound like a whiny child.
Convert going to be seriously OP?
Ball of Spiders should have been this the entire time.... or at least 4 mana would have seen play in standard years ago when it was in rotation.
I want an essay explaining who made it 6 mana and why
Lol. It's seems intresting, but mechpala, secret mage, big priest, doesn't cares about your C'ttun and jade golems. Without nerfs, most of these buffs are meangless.
My predictions for new class legendaries
Mage - new highlander legendary
Paladin - handbuff legendary
Rogue - Jade synergy legendary
Shaman - totem synergy legendary
Warlock - discard synergy legendary
Warrior - C'thun synergy legendary