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Shouldn't his wording be updated to say "Whenever this attacks and kills a minion, recruit 2 Murlocs"?
With the new Murloc Warleader update this card got worse. Which i like.
not as good of a job as Ragnaros the Firelord though
I encountered a problem with this card today.
My opponent had this card on the table an he killed one of my minions. By doing so his health went to zero, so he should be dead. Because he killed one of my minions he gets to get two cards from his deck. One of these cards was the Murloc warleader. Although the Finja card was already at zero health because of the attack on my minion the Warleader gave him 1 health and thus made the Ninja survive. This can not be as as intended in my opinion.
can someone explain why Finja is supposed to be so good? I have him, but every time I draw him, he rarely survives on the table, and almost never gets to kill something.
May I ask how you can't get a kill with him? The only possible counters to finja is devolve, dragonfire, and other hard AOE. (Well, potion of polymorph, but who the fuck runs that?) It's very easy to buff him with a warleader from hand, and can pull 12 damage with 2 warleaders on the board, even more if you have shadowstep.
maybe I just don't know boardcontrol or whathaveyou, but most times I put him out, my warleaders are nowhere to be found, or dead.
That's a problem. I usually keep a warleader in my hand when I have finja (even if I lose some tempo) just to drop it on turn 6 after I play finja to get the +2 attack value. I also run him in rogue so I have cold blood to help me out.
Not anymore, really.
If you smell fish... it's too late.
Pure cancer
And they said Pirates are broken. <3
This card is EXTREMELY hard to draw or mulligan for. But I will always draw my war leader and blue gill every.single.game. I rarely see Finja sadly. He's always buried very deep in my deck.
Update: 21 games now. Still no Finja. (I will continue to update). There is def a problem with this card. It took me 21 games to draw or mull this card. Please look into this problem.
This card would be okay but it becomes useless...
Turn 10+ no finja is not random shuffle. Not with this many games and never having to appear.
Are you sure you even put it in your deck? If you hard mulligan for it, you have a 25-30% chance to get it in your starting hand.
Finja, the Flying Star, 2 Bluegill Warrior and 2 Murloc Warleader.
This quintet will rule the meta soon.
You ALWAYS draw them. So it's not very strong. If you could make Warleader and Bluegill as heavy as Finja it would be strong. But these cards A-L-W-A-Y-S appear on mulligen or you draw them before Finja is found.
This card is broken. If he kills a minion with 4 attack and summons warleaders he doesn't die. Complete bullshit.
Someone got terrible rng.
When you think about it, there is no need to be salty. Warleader doesn't make it broken. (try proving me wrong)
What does that have to do with salt or rng? Damage is dealt at the same time, so if he attacks a 4/2 he needs to die first, then summon warleaders, not survive with 1 health.