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Extra Arms is now 3 mana. Priest is now useless...
First it was 3, then buffed to 2 then back to 3 again?
Post-buff this is better than Blessing of Kings, which is already the gold standard for buff spells.
The original Twinspell.
Would have been better and more interesting if it gave a minion +2/+4 and "Deathrattle: Add More Arms! to your hand.
That way it would have a better immediate impact and it would have synergy with some of the cloning cards Priest is getting.
So an expensive kings that can be split up.
Two arms, men!
Wasn't it "more asses = more power"?
Control Priest might use this, but Elixir is often better too.
Any information in the token this generates?
Probably a 3 mana card with the same effect
Yeah, it is, I was expecting it would cost 2 or even 1 mana, otherwise it seems disappointing.
Priest was weak so Blizzard decided to give him a hand... or more
Some Priest decks already run Unidentified Elixir, so the question is probably "which do you prefer: getting extra copies in your hand, or a random bonus effect?" I would bet you'd prefer the former, as that's more predictable and therefore something you can plan your deck around.
Feels underwhelming after Sound the Bells! though Priest does have better spell synergy, and this isn't an echo card, it gives you another copy to use on a later turn instead. I wouldn't say I'm impressed but it's not so useless as it might seem at first glance I think (read : hope)
Except you can't save the echoed sound tHe bells for a different turn... This is much more tempoy especially in a class that can heal.