Card Text
At the end of your turn,
fill your board with 1/1 Tentacles.
Flavor Text
How to tell your mother to go away.
At the end of your turn,
fill your board with 1/1 Tentacles.
How to tell your mother to go away.
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Hey Fam please help!
I got a GOLDEN Shu'ma and i am really not sure if i should disenchant it ?!
I have disenchanted so many Golden Legendaries in the past and sometimes i regreted disenchanting them so hard afterwards.
Please help me in my Decision!
Do you have or use Quest Hunter or perhaps Token Druid? There's realy not many decks this would fit in now (but who knows in the next 3 expansion?).
If you don't play much Token Druid or Quest Hunter then MAYBe you can dust him if you're realy short on dust.
Just my 2cents.
I could use Token Druid (even got Goru the Mightree wich i won't disenchant for now) and i disenchanted both hunter Quests lol
Anyways thanks for your help Bro but i already dusted my golden Shu'ma and made Kronx Dragonhoof instead :)
Don’t. This card has potential and hey golden tentacles
I think I'd rather just play Boommaster Flark in quest hunter, especially because I can use my hero power to give the bombs +2 attack immediately, where with this I have to wait a turn and only give it to the ones that survive. Seems like a bad legendary.
I actually just had a few games with Shuma, and I think because it fills up your board quickly and repeatedly, there is a place for it in Quest Hunter.
Boommaster definetly works better in general due to mech synergy tho. So they both have different reasons to be in a deck.
Tho I agree, the case for Boommaster is a bit stronger.
7 mana - 7/13 in stats is not so bad, but definitely a quest Hunter card.
This is definitely going to be put in Unseal the Vault hunter. I wouldn't be too surprised if Mossy Horror becomes a normal card to run with how strong the combo might be.
Would this have the same artwork like in Forbidden Ritual? ^^
Forbidden Ritual spawns Icky Tentacle
Shu'ma spawns Tentacle ;)
*Mossy Horror wants to know your location*