Hero Power
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Have found good use for it in a token/value deck with Hagatha and other tools now. A fairly hard deck to pilot at first but it is not the hardest to learn, and can be pretty good. Have found great success with this card in that deck. Easily pushes for wins in certain matchups
Token shaman with Hagatha, Thrall, and Shudderwock is apparently now a thing: https://articles.hsreplay.net/2018/08/13/meta-pulse-boomsday-aug-13/
I love new expansions
Unless odd Shaman's hero power gets a rework, this card is dead, which is a damn shame because he was the last legendary I opened from Frozen Throne, and I was eager to play him.
Not dead: Wild,
Hagatha isn't a Death Knight card. She's just a hero card.
Not sure, to be honest. I feel he doesn't really have a place in Standard unless you left the evolving mainly to Deathseer which probably wouldn't work well.
I wouldn't say "the dumpster" but maybe relegated to playing him in a Wild Evolve Shaman. I was actually just thinking of putting one together, which is why I'm even on this page. Wanted to see what other people are doing with him currently.
I nearly crafted this guy- I'm glad I waited until Kobolds and Catacombs came out. What with the 5 mana 1/1s (Furbolg Mossbinder), 9 mana 3/3s (Dragoncaller Alanna), and 7 mana 1/1s (Lynessa Sunsorrow), I'm not convinced this guy will be great anymore.
Has anyone tested this in a control shaman deck? The hero power is practically restore a minion to full health, which can be very powerful for maintaining board control.
Very annoying card; enough one drops on board, 8 mana at the ready, plays 2 Evolve and then DK. Most likely dead.
No clue why Blizzard is forcing the Evolve aspect of Shaman. Too much RNG-fest and Shaman has too many options to clear enemy boards to make path to Bloodlust.
Pulled a golden one of these... I want to dust him, but want to be 100% sure. Thoughts anyone?
I made a really fun evolve deck with him.I wouldn't dust him.He isnt always amazing but when you have 4 mana cards turning into 6 mana cards and 6 mana cards turning into 8 mana cards its very rewarding.Thats my input.Try him for yourself to see what you think,though.
In the current standard shaman meta it is a must have top tier card for a token shaman deck. I would not dust it - even though he is quite random and inconsistent
Beware of Dropping 1 Minion and Evolve into Unlicensed Apothecary
this make you Legend
[Note Edit: This Joke Expire becuz Blizzard Fix Unlicensed Apothecry effect Sequence]
2 free Thing from Below, a Doppelgangster and 2 Nerubian Prophets at 0 mana. THAT'S the dream.
The worst is Scourgelord Garrosh cuz it fits into only specific decks
Brann Bronzebeard gives you minions that cost 4 more
OP at 5 mana. Might be OP at anything less than 9. The effect is so strong. If you have a board, which you should if yuo play this, it is a giant snowball. At least make the player getting this huge boon have a board established for a round. Being able to drop doppleganster and then this is massive value.
I like this card - the effect is pretty nuts even on board full of one mana minions (especially since it never turns anything into a doomsayer) and the hero power makes it really difficult for the opponent to contest the board. Combos really well with Dopplegangster.