Hero Power
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Wake up, you small indie company.
PUre cancer
Guys, I finally found the counter play against Razapriest and OTK Paladin and even more decks:
use Sir Finley Mrrgglton and Grizzled Wizard after they play DK.
At last....
Have a good day 🏝️
This feels like it'd be fair if the battlecry was a single Shadow Word Death, since strong permanent benefits shouldn't be stapled to strong immediate advantage.
Hearthstone makes it way too easy to clear a board of high-health minions, especially for Priests.
Games take forever but it works!
Shade Queen Anduin
Shadowreaper Anduin is still amazing on his own due to his battlecry, and his Hero Power being able to ping a minion or two.
Raza though...sorry man. You're done.
Raza is back to 0 mana hero power. All the rest are just words.
"Ben Brode has betrayed me"
This card is insane. Insanely good, but insanely hated.
You must accept that Control Priest decks were most difficult decks in Hearthstone history. This includes Razakus. You need to draw entire deck to win.
lol cringe huntard-paladean mains downrating my comment
How funny that this card was obviously specific design for Raza.
This card + razakus is basically FoN + SR prenerf. Actually, it's more OP.
to those who play this cancer, do you actually have fun? fuck off with this piece of shit dealing almost, and sometimes more than, 30 dmg to face from nowhere, nothing onboard
So this is cancer because... it's good? Are people not allowed to play good cards? The Hearthstone community lol