Card Clarifications
- The reward for this quest is Barnabus the Stomper.
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What's going on with the golden animation?
blizzard killed the quest with the faceless change
this was my favourite deck :(
Druid of the Fang is not advancing the quest anymore (just like Faceless Manipulator), whereas Shellshifter and Druid of the Flame keep working normal.
Absolutely insane with recruit 4 or less druid.
Agreed, that card + Cursed Disciple really help speed up the quest, as well as putting an early-game threat on board that isn't always easy to deal with.
If only it said "In your hand and deck". Then you could flood the board with huge guys and it might actually be an OK quest.
Lets be honest, this is pretty bad its just unreliable jade druid. while it can have some awesome plays it just not good enough to make those plays consistently, your basically hoping barnes brings out y'shaarj, and y'shaarj, brings out y'shaarj, witch feels awesome but it never really happens.
I don't share your feelings. I'm playing it with 2x Ultimate Infestation now, and it is very consistent. You hit discount at turn9 max, then UI + discounted minions is guaranteed tides changer.
Yes, it mostly works against slower decks tho, but the meta is slow. It is heavy midrange and it punishes control decks heavily, cuz you have so much threats that they must be very lucky to get right answers all the time.
I wonder, is this card viable now with UI?
Guys! Look what i posted April 20th and now the rogue quest got nerfed exactly what i wrote.
I know druids have good card draw. One of the best in the game. So this is a good quest if they put from 5 minions to 4. Would be perfect. And raise the rogue to 5 minions and mage quest to 7.
I honestly think this is one of the most underrated cards in JTU. It has some real potential, it's just heavily reliant on curve (as many druid decks are). It does well against most control decks, and can hold its own vs aggro if you get the right draws. No one seems to run Prince Malchezar in these decks, and I have no idea why, he fits it perfectly. 5/6 for 5 mana is pretty good, fills a quest trigger, and it puts 5 legendaries in your deck, which often end up being minions with 5 or more attack. Getting a random 0 cost 6/6 C'thun has won me several games at this point. It can usually overwhelm freeze mage, as they have no way to stop you from summoning minions. It has a definite weakness vs freeze/quest mage, as you have very little damage potential outside of your minions. Overall, it's definitely a deck worth playing, and actually makes ultrasaur a useful card (0 mana 7/14? What is this, Shaman?) The only frustrating thing about it is when you draw your huge cost cards before you complete the quest, such as ultrasuar and Tyrantus (stay in the deck you goddamned dinosaurs). I'd say it outclasses jade druid in the late game, as you can get bigger minions up faster than they can.
i mean i actually put cthun in my jungle druid, as that and the bigger cthun minions as they also proc the quest. A free 15/15 that deals 15 damage when played is amazing. Hemmet, jungle hunter is also great as it gets rid of all your low cost cards after playing barnabus (it removes cards based on their starting cost, not reduced)
Not true. After Barnabus, Hemet removes all the reduced minions which leaves you with UI and Nourish at best.
I wonder if all those people who said this card was meta-defining have seen how often it's used now?
Competitive Druids just play Jade Golems instead.
I tried to make this work in a C'Thun deck. The win condition is simple in theory: get either Brann Bronzebeard or C'Thun to 0, and just outright win despite whatever board the enemy has.
After you complete the quest, nothing is better than Nourishing to get those free minions, and then unloading a 30/30 C'Thun that deals 60 damage.
Problem is: Drawing cards, a necessity for almost every remotely interesting deck in HS, can really end your game negatively. If I draw both combo pieces, neither gets its cost reduced, and I outright lose, because I sacrificed quite a few C'Thun cards just to complete the quest on time, and my deck would lack the power to just push forward without the combo.
Another try of mine was with beasts. Menagerie Warden on a Stranglethorn Tiger counts for 2 instead of one, so that's a plus. However, with this deck, I often found Barnabus' key use was his size, and the battlecry proved to be ignorable during the few times the game wasn't over by the time my quest was done.
This quest is cool, but sadly it is inconsistent, and there are other druid combos that achieve the same with less risk, anyway.
could be good if it also discounted the cards in your hand, although that will allow many players to do some crazy combos, it will still be a lot better (and I don't think any of such combos could be as bad as what quest rogues/mages do).
Yeah, this card so popular Kappa
I tried this card out I didn't read it good enough. I thought it would include minions in your hand too. Damn this is a bad card that is bad. I'd run a wild growth over this in any ramp druid. Hell Aviana is better at least you can play around not top decking what the hell blizzard more skill not less.
very bad