Grand Lackey Erkh
Card Text
After you play a Lackey, add a Lackey to your hand.
Flavor Text
Esteemed leader of Rafaam's Inhuman Resources department.
After you play a Lackey, add a Lackey to your hand.
Esteemed leader of Rafaam's Inhuman Resources department.
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I wish this card could get a buff, something minor, anything really. I feel like I’m the only one who runs it and despite the strong effect, I just wish it had at least one more health or one more attack. Making it 3 mana would make it a bit strong but 4 mana for 2/3 is abismal, hence why no one plays it. I guess I should know better than to ask Blizzard to buff a card from previous expansion.
Shouldnt count as a lackey though, cuz the lackey tag says: lackeys are 1 mana cost minions with battlecries
LACKEY PRIEST TIER 1 mark my words
Question is... is this minion considered to be a lackey itself?
You know for tekhan stuff...
but the real question is : can this card be generated form card like '' sinister deal'' ???
Or : can this card generate it self ?????
Handlock ridiculously more handsy.