Hero Power
Card Clarifications
- You can never have more than one Shadow Reflection in your hand.
- Shadow Reflection leaves your hand at the end of your turn, so it only works on 5 mana cards or less. (Source)
- Death's Shadow is hero Hero Power.
- Shadow Reflection is the token spawned by her hero power.
- Remember how Stealth works! If you wish to attack, do attack BEFORE using this Hero card.
- Effects that invoke Mana Cost reduction will not be copied by Shadow Reflection. (Like Emperor Thaurissan ticks, Preparation, Shadowstep.)
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this card might not seem like much in the current times but after playing around with her i have to say, she'll eventually be a problem in WIld
Synergy with Mecha'thun Kappa
Synergy with Mecha'thun Kappa
Fun fact: if you play Krul the Unshackled, the reflection is summoned as an extra demon.
Obviously, you need to have no duplicates in the remainder of your deck for this ...
me favorite DK... <3
What does this mean?
Shadow reflection leaves your hand at the end of your turn, so it only works on 5 mana cards or less.
Cant i play a 8 mana card and get a copy?
It will copy the card but you wouldn't have enough mana to play the 2nd copy.
The text in "Card Clarifications" on this page needs to be corrected. The "You can never have more than one Shadow Reflection in your hand." is not true.
It even says "It's possible to have 2 copies of Shadow Reflection in your hand if your hero changes to Valeera the Hollow while you already have a Shadow Reflection in your hand. " on the Hearthstone Gamepedia.
I playtested this today, and the Gamepedia's text holds true.
I have been creating a miracle rogue list and due to dust limits, I have to decide between crafting Edwin and Valeera DK, (I will add both eventually).
Any Suggestions?
Edwin first. It can flat out win you games in the early-mid games if left unanswered. Valeera is very niche and frankly not a high win rate card. Plus, Edwin is classic card and can be played in almost any rogue list.
changed your mind?
Worst ingame description EVER. Didn't understand anything from card crafting screen, didn't understand anything after a match against it. Very poor job, blizzard.
dont know why you got downvoted, it doesn't say what shadow reflection does in game
Silent death indeed.
A lot of fun with mill cards and Arcane Giants. :)
This is on my watch list. I am predicting that given time and additional nerfs... this will probably be a must craft...
The Rogue and Hunter Hero cards became my most favorite out of the nine. Not only they offer a ton of value, they have truly unique mechanichs (Zombeasts and Shadow Reflection), specially the Rogue one. Its the only card that sthealths yourself, and it´s the only card that grants a passive Hero Power wich is a value generator. In my opinion, it´s a bit underated just because The Priest hero card is out of control, but the latter is only tru if you play raza, this card is good by it´s own, and it will just get better.
Finally - someone that see's the point of Hearthstone
i get more value from the game crafting imaginitive, unexpected decks and valeeras DK has given me many an oppurtunity to surprise opponents, even those with top tier decks.
especially with kingsbane chucked in there and an army of striders :)