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Step 1: Pray that you get Voone from a pack like I did. If that doesn't work, craft him.
Step 2: Craft Alexstrasza.
Step 3: Congratulations, you now counter the two most BS cards in this game, Bloodreaver Gul'dan and Frostlich Jaina (assuming you have a decent/good dragon deck to actually keep them in check until Fatigue comes into play and you managed to copy your Strasza)
Even though what I said above works and happened to me today, this guy is crazy. You literally almost double the value of your hand. The only dragon I can think you wouldn't want two copies of is the Ebon Smith dude and Deathwing. Pretty much it.
Wait til you have Deathwing and either Zola the Gorgon or Youthful Brewmaster in hand. Congrats, now you’ve got four Deathwings. Play three of them with The Boomship, push damage and draw opponent’s hard removals and heavy taunt minions while he panics, keeping your fourth Deathwing for when your other three have been taken out.
Can you copy ALL dragons in your hand?
In your hand...
I'm sorry for not being to read.
So let me get this straight: War Master Voone is bonkers, of that there is no doubt.
But why dragons? This guy is as loyal to his loa as a goblin merchant in an Alliance VS. Horde war. Why didn't Voone support Akali? Was it because Deathwing deceived him into indentured servitude?
Whatever his reasoning is, we may never know why he betrayed his champion.
(Man, everybody's talking about how great this dude is, and here I am asking idiotic inquiries. No wonder I can't get past rank 11)
EDIT: Welp, it turns out he knows about dragons thanks to his former experience dabbling in Black Dragonflight shenanigans. I'm dumb.
This card is so OP they nerfed it before it's even been released!!!
And they're GOOD! 5 mana shieldmaiden? Yes please!!
Definitely playing 2 Bone Drakes to increase the chances of getting Emeriss. Big memeship Warrior inc bois
Cause odd warrior exist
I shall do what the animation kind of did and zola this play again for ultimate value and perhaps boomship next turn. Big dragon warrior shall be your ×2 DEATHwing
This card appeals to me because it isn't obvious what you're supposed to do with it. Play a few dragons and get a 4 mana 4/3 draw a card on average? Play a lot of dragons and get a lot of value? Play like one or two specific dragons that become busted when you copy them? You, the deck builder, have to figure that out.
Contrast stuff like Drakonid Operative which basically says "Shoehorn some dragons into your curve and in exchange get a super OP curvestone card."
According to the card reveal animation, it's a 5 mana 4/4.
The card reveal animation was wrong.
Was it wrong, or was it... Wronchi..? sorry i'll leave.
strong with Twilight drake for example, also obviously with big dragon bois
Can't wait to copy all my Dragons with this for insane value.
I mean, how do you counter 4 Faerie Dragons :^)
(pls give us more cheap Dragons Bliizard)
What the heck does "copy all dragons" means ? Do you get a copy of each in your hand ? Do you summon them (obviously not...) ? Does it become itself a copy of each one subsequently ?
EDIT : Just checked, and the most logical (in terms of mana and usefulness) possibility seems to be the one : It gets you 1 copy of each dragon in your hand.
DISCLAIMER to further remarks on the clarity of the text : No the text was not clear, and anybody familiar with Hearthstone’s text habits would notice :
When a card makes a copy in your hand it always say “Copy X and add it to your hand”. Look at Crystalline Oracle, Devour Mind, Thoughtsteal, Feral Gibberer, Mimic Pod, etc…
And when creating a copy on the board, they always say “Summon a copy of X”.
Blizzard just started replacing “Copy X and add it to your hand” with “Copy X” and again and again proving how atrociously respectful they are to consistency.
stop posting comments please