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Does it also trigger the Battlecry of summed minion?
if u mean trigger the battlecry twice, i have to say no he doesnt
Second time that i open this dumb card :/
don't dust it then so you don't open another copy :)
I opened this bad boy 3 times and dusted it every time, thats when i learned about just keeping them until you need the dust
ItsLid, Fungal Lord
Memes aside, I don't see this card working in anything but a combo deck.
-There is the usual Aviana Kun Malygos OTK shenanigans, and that deck is pretty good.
-I have run into a Controll-ish Druid that played this with Arcane Giants, which works decently well
-And then there is Quest Druid. Making your big minions cost 0 works very well with Ixlid, Fungal Lord, you often end up drawing them too early though.
If only Barnabus discounted all minions in your hand too, or worked like Quest Rouge's Rest-of-the-Game Buff.
Playing Ixlid, Fungal Lord into [card]Faceless Manipulator[/card] and proceeding to drop Tyrantus is pretty funny though.
ixlid + blood of the ancient one. why no one play this in quest druid?
This would be so much better if it summoned your opponent's board full of noxious spores that are poisionous to heroes, but with the deathrattle deal 5 damage to your hero.
no? you could simply play Swipe for a 2 card 35 damage 9 mana combo
Easy fix, take it down one manna.
That would ruin combo decks that run oaken summons and ironbark golem
#Ixlid FUNgalore.
Has this Combo been Mentioned yet ? i kinda want to build a deck to do this but i dont have the cards to get it in motion yet
First of all it has to be a spell heavy deck, for obvious reasons below.
The most simple situation for this to work is be at 10 mana then play
[card]Ixlid, Fungal Lord[/card] + [card] Faceless Manipulator[/card] and then for 0 play Arcane Giant
not sure if this works exactly this way , but from an empty board it would go,
Ixlid(2/4)+Faceless which turns into lxlid(2/4) which gets doubled into another Ixlid (2/4), by itself its only 6/12 of stats for 10 which is bad, but drop in a sincle Arcane Giant, and it gets copied 3 times. so (8/8)x4 = (32/32)+(6/12)
This comes to 38/44 in stats from an empty board now with 7 creatures. and since your druid, you can probably do this before the enemy even reaches 9 mana. you just have to survive one turn.
thoughts on this ? does it seem to hold any merit ?
just play ixlid and double arcane giant.
here's a link to a deck that uses this combo i created : https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1037066-combo-druid
1) complete barnabus quest
2) ultimate infestation
3) Ixlid+ Leroy+ earthen scales+ faceless manipulator (x2)+ savage roar= 53 damage w/ charge. For potentially 3 mana:D
While it may sound good, quest doesn't need that much dedication to "how to win after completing quest?", rather to "how to complete and not to die in process". Trust me.
First I was sceptical about Ixilid in quest, but I got it from pack and gave it a shot. It is VERY good in quest: it's both good as 5 mana and 0 mana. You can duplicate The Lich King either way :D
Low haha. There is nothing barnabus decks can do to slow down aggro