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not so usefull
Remarkably, I am actually having success with this weapon in the Wild format. I think it is a mistake to focus on damage spells. There are a lot of tech spells that have resulted in me winning matches. The most vital are card draws, heals, and Devolve. The trick is having a prioritized list of spell effects in your head that support your current board before wailing away.
5 Mana, same affect + overload (2) crystals whenever you attack.
uber call(fun)
I love looking back at these. It's amazing how we can all be wrong like that about Dragonhatcher!
I still can't believe that this card was released as is. I don't remember ever facing it in a game - it's that bad.
It's funny, because I think if you swapped this weapon with the Priest weapon, it would be a better fit for both classes. Shaman has some nice cheap spells for using 3 in a turn and with Hagatha, the ability to generate more. For Priest, you can actually discover some choice/expensive spells that can't target your side of the board, such as Mind Control, Free From Amber, Lesser Diamond Spellstone, Shadow Essence, or situational - Psychic Scream.
Put your spoiler here.
You actually had a great point! Sadly, I own both of these shitty weapons:(
This card is so bad that I laughed my ass off when my opponent played this card killed all his minions. If you could choose targets, it would have been better.
Guys this is the best weapon available to hearthstone players what are you talking about ???
The Runespear
This card should be "5 MANA / 3 OVERLOAD" or "After your hero attacks, Discover a spell and it cost 0 mana this turn.".
A weapon like this for 8 Mana is too expensive. I mean, if you are lucky you get board cleaner(not loosing your minions), a big heal(to your hero or maybe minions), or some card that summons minions(very little cards).
It's way to random for it's value and it could be an interesting card for Shaman.
I think both of those changes you suggest are really good ideas - I would like to see both applied. As it currently stands, the risk of discovering a spell that randomly targets your side of the board makes this card unplayable.
I just got this out of the 3 free packs - I had put a post in about dusting legendaries with the coming expansions this year - and when I got this one, I was thinking aw crap. I might try and make it work? Or - given all the disdain in the forums and opinions, perhaps Blizz will...revamp it?
Same. I've just made a strange, dragon/weapon shaman deck but I don't expect it to be very good.
I put it into my 2 decks, only played a couple times - not very good results
I doubt anything will change about It, Blizz has never directly buffed a card in the history of Hearthstone.
Runespear is by no means reliable competitive card. The only consistent thing it does is provide Grade A memes.
I enjoy using Runespear just for the fun of seeing what stupid things happen. It's like a mini-yogg.
I wish it had more umpf than Yogg - played a little over the weekend and it was just pathetic the results. And I can always hold out hope right? for a change right? pretty please?
Game this morning - I have 2 totems, my opponent 3 minions - random spell was Tidal Surge - which hit my 1 totem. Next round, opponent has 4 minions, I have 1 totem - attack and random spell picked - jade Lightning. Which hits....you guessed it - my last totem. Third round, opponent has his 4 minions, set up lethal with face last turn, so I still have my 4/4 golem. Third and final attack - no way of winning really, I get Tidal Surge again - and it hit my 4/4 golem.
Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment, as I still haven't dusted this thing....
Got this "legendary" weapon on the first day of the new expansion.
Tried few decks with it, losing every time,
Finally dusting it ...
To open it again in a pack opening .... it drove me crazy xD
The way I see it, you just got a free legendary of your choice! :')
It's okay man. I got The Runespear as my free wep. I cried for five hours straight.