This thread's main purpose is to advise how to craft cards based on card play and winrates. If you are not sure which card to craft, then this is the appropriate place to ask. We only recommend dusting golden epics until you know you will not buy any more packs from the corresponding set.
Disclaimer: A thread like this can not please everyone; the meta game is dynamic, so if you have suggestions or know possible uses for cards, feel free to tell them here! We recommend you to use links and sources to clarify your claim more.
Please note that some cards may not be craftable and only obtainable from adventures and rewards.
* = Recently updated
= Editor's choice safe crafts # = Recommended as a one-off (Only for Tier 1-2-3)
- Ashes of Outland Bamboozle - Staple in Galakrond secret rogue. Glowfly Swarm - Buildaround card in spell druid. Greyheart Sage * - Sees play in highlander and galakrond rogue. Mo'arg Artificer - Sees play in a variety of control decks, especially control warlock. Nagrand Slam - Great winrate, mainly used in highlander hunter. Warglaives of Azzinoth - Staple in aggro demon hunter.
GAW- Galakrond's Awakening Boompistol Bully - Excellent counter to Galakrond decks such as warrior or rogue. Escaped Manasaber - Sees play in a variety of highlander decks.
– Rise of Shadows Power of Creation # - Staple in highlander mage, great synergy with Tortollan Pilgrim. - Classic Doomsayer# - Historically good card, playable in many slower decks. Murloc Warleader - Staple in murloc paladin, good winrate. Snake Trap # - Staple in highlander and secret hunter, good winrate. Twisting Nether# – Staple in quest warlock.
– Rise of Shadows Wrenchcalibur * - Playable in control warrior. - Classic Brawl * - Staple in slower warrior decks, good winrate. Force of Nature - * Staple in treant druid. Preparation - Playable in malygos and highlander rogue. Pyroblast * # - Staple in big spell mage. Sea Giant - Historically strong card which is seeing less play at the moment. Shield Slam - Staple in control warrior, good winrate. Southsea Captain - Playable in pirate warrior, hurt by nerfs but still has a good winrate.
- Scholomance Academy Combustion - Playable in highlander mage. Transfer Student - Sees play in several highlander decks. Trueaim Crescent - Playable in highlander hunter.
DHI- Demon Hunter Initiate Wrathscale Naga - Buildaround in token demon hunter, mediocre winrate. Wrathspike Brute - Sometimes used in highlander demon hunter.
- Descent of Dragons Dragon's Pack - Hurt hard by recent nerfs. Kobold Stickyfinger - Tech card which performs decently against warrior and demon hunter. Sanctuary - Niche card for pure paladin: good against control but weak against aggro. Skyfin - Sees some play in hunter and paladin, but overall dragon/murloc hybrids haven't taken off. - Saviors of Uldum Crystal Merchant * - Played in embiggen druid, also still works in quest druid. History Buff - Interesting effect, playable in highlander rogue and zoo decks. Psychopomp * - Staple in resurrect priest which has a lower winrate currently. Splitting Axe * - Playable in totem shaman. Tip the Scales - Sees play in murloc paladin, good winrate but low playrate. Wild Bloodstinger # - Playable in highlander hunter, also a tech option vs combo decks.
– Rise of Shadows Crystalsong Portal - Usable in treant druid but can be replaced. Mana Cyclone - The DoD elemental package boosted cyclone mage's winrate, but not by much. Magic Carpet * - Has not adjusted well to the zoolock nerf. Omega Devastator * - Formerly strong card which currently sees little play. Waggle Pick * - Often played in aggressive rogue decks. Witch's Brew - Sees play in galakrond shaman, hurt by recent nerfs. Unidentified Contract * - Value card which sees some play in galakrond rogue. - Classic Avenging Wrath- Occasionally used in pure paladin. Cabal Shadow Priest * - Used in a variety of priest decks despite the low playrate. Far Sight - Playable in Galakrond shaman decks which struggle in the current meta. Hungry Crab * # - Decent tech card against murloc decks. Icicle * - Performs decently in highlander mage, low playrate.
- Scholomance Academy Ceremonial Maul - Playable in big warrior which is a dying archetype. Felosophy - Low winrate but good synergy with Desk Imp. Runic Carvings - Playable in totem shaman. Totem Goliath - Playable in totem shaman. Void Drinker - Control warlock has been hurt by the druid nerfs.
- Ashes of Outland Apexis Smuggler - Decent card, but secret mage lacks enough synergy to be competitive. Darkglare - Sometimes used in zoolock, but performs poorly in that deck. Marsh Hydra * - Used in big druid, a slow and ineffective archetype. Shattered Rumbler - Spell shaman has a low winrate. Waste Warden - Niche tech card, performs poorly in the current meta.
DHI- Demon Hunter Initiate Flamereaper - Commonly used in highlander demon hunter.
GAW - Galakrond's Awakening Chaos Gazer - Very weak effect which is often useless when played on curve.
- Descent of Dragons Chromatic Egg - Very slow, but can work in quest paladin. Cumulo-Maximus * - Struggles to find a home after the rotation. Embiggen * - Embiggen druid has fallen off hard in AoO. Mana Giant - Sees play in cyclone mage which is not a strong archetype. T2 in Wild. Necrium Apothecary - Has not recovered from the nerf. Ramming Speed * # - Mediocre removal option for warrior.
- Saviors of Uldum Blatant Decoy - Staple in big paladin and shaman, low winrate currently. Diseased Vulture - * No longer sees any play in zoolock. Micro Mummy * - Played in a variety of weak decks. Plague of Murlocs * # - Shaman is not in a great spot competitively. Riftcleaver - Effect is not worth the downside. Scarlet Webweaver # - Niche card which does not currently see much play. Shadow of Death - Poor winrate but does have some synergy with Stowaway.
– Rise of Shadows Batterhead - Played in slower priest and druid decks, low winrate. Dragon Speaker - Dragon paladin is playable but unimpressive. Hench-Clan Hag - Niche card for token decks. Lazul's Scheme - Playable in miracle priest, very low winrate. Muckmorpher - Staple in big shaman which is a niche deck in the current meta. Nine Lives * - Sees little play currently. Shadowy Figure - Low winrate, but good synergy with Grave Rune. Unseen Saboteur - Niche tech card against spell heavy decks. - Classic Ancient of Lore- Playable in heal and quest druid, low winrate. Ancient of War - Does not make the cut in most quest druid decks, bad winrate. Big Game Hunter* # - Tech option against large minions, low playrate. Doomhammer* - Has not found a new deck after the rotation. Faceless Manipulator - Playable in slower mech paladin decks, low winrate. Gladiator's Longbow - Sees very little play but playable in slower hunter decks. Gorehowl - Niche card for minion-heavy warrior decks. Lay on Hands - Staple in spell paladin, low winrate. Spellbender - Playable in secret mage, low winrate.
- Ashes of Outland Pit Commander - Big demon hunter has a very low winrate. Replicat-o-tron - Very niche effect which is difficult to make use of. Shadow Council - Meme card.
- Descent of Dragons Blowtorch Saboteur - Lacks any form of synergy to justify using in your deck. Dread Raven - Dread Raven OTK decks are not viable. Envoy of Lazul - Priest's thief synergies have historically performed poorly, and this is no exception. Grizzled Wizard - Meme card. Tentacled Menace - Extremely unreliable, frequently helps your opponent. Transmogrifier - A liability. Scion of Ruin * - Galakrond warrior lost the cards that made it viable with the rotation. Secure the Deck - Lacks any synergy in standard, awful winrate. Wyrmrest Purifier * - Has a low playrate after the standard rotation. - Saviors of Uldum Body Wrapper - Very unreliable card, you usually will not get what you want. Desert Obelisk - This is a card for casual mode, not recommended on ladder. Dwarven Archaeologist - Meme card, effect difficult to make good use of. Mischief Maker - Possible tech card vs decks going on fatigue but very low winrate. Mogu Cultist - Mogu decks have terrible winrates. Mortuary Machine - Meme card, often a worse Fel Reaver. Whirlkick Master - Slow card, effect difficult to make use of.
Standard (Wild Ranking) Mana Cyclone – Staple in quest mage. Mana Giant – Staple in quest mage.
– The Witchwood Book of Specters* - Staple in quest mage. – Kobolds & Catacombs Branching Paths- Very flexible card, staple in most druid decks. Psychic Scream - Very strong card, sees play in Reno Priest Voidlord - Staple in most warlock decks, including reno and cubelock. – Knights of the Frozen Throne Nerubian Unraveler – Staple in Darkest Hour Warlock, decent winrate. Ultimate Infestation - Staple in jade druid, also sees play in ramp druid. – Journey to Un’Goro Bloodbloom*- Staple in Mecha'thun and Darkest Hour Warlock. Primordial Glyph- Staple in quest mage; playable in a variety of decks. Shadow Visions - Staple in several priest decks, especially control. – Mean Streets of the Gadgetzan Dirty Rat # - Strong tech card against combo and OTK decks. Dragonfire Potion#* - Powerful board clear for reno priest.
– One Night in Karazhan Arcane Giant – Strong finisher in quest mage, but will soon be nerfed.
– Goblins & Gnomes Lightbomb # - Staple in many priest decks, good winrate.
– Hall of Fame Ice Block #* - Staple in control and secret mage, very good winrate.
Standard (Wild Ranking) Darkest Hour * – Strong buildaround card for warlock.
– Rastakhan’s Rumble Masked Contender # – Staple in secret rogue, playable in any secret deck.
– The Boomsday Project Juicy Psychmelon– Does not have any home in the current meta, but has niche potential in the future. Supercollider# – Playable in any slower warrior archetype.
– The Witchwood Baleful Banker * - Staple in Holy Wrath Paladin. Rat Trap# - Staple in secret and highlander hunter, great winrate. Sandbinder # - Often played in highlander decks as a reliable tutor of Zephrys the Great. Town Crier - Staple in any warrior deck with very solid winrate. Wispering Woods * – Playable in token druid, good winrate.
– Kobolds & Catacombs Arcane Tyrant- Often played in big spell and reno mage, good winrate currently. Call to Arms- Staple in murloc and giant paladin; strong card in any aggro deck. Corridor Creeper - Nerfed hard but still sees play in odd paladin and evolve shaman. – Knights of the Frozen Throne Gnomeferatu# - Tech card vs combo decks, currently sees play in renolock. Obsidian Statue – Staple in slow priest decks. Skulking Geist #* - Tech vs jade druid which is popular in the current meta. Treachery * – Staple in treachery warlock, playable in Mecha'thun warlock.
– Journey to Un’Goro Charged Devilsaur- Often played in Darkest Hour Warlock, good winrate. Gentle Megasaur – Finisher in murloc decks, very good winrate in shaman and paladin. Gluttonous Ooze # - Strong tech card, sees regular play in control and highlander decks. Vilespine Slayer - Staple in odd rogue, playable in any rogue deck. – Whispers of the Old Gods Call of the Wild * - Recently buffed, good winrate. Vilefin Inquisitor – Strong card in murloc paladin but low playrate.
– The Grand Tournament Garrison Commander - Playable in even shaman and even hunter, good winrate. Twilight Guardian - Sees some play in dragon priest, decent winrate.
– Goblins & Gnomes Feign Death#- Playable in deathrattle hunter. Quartermaster* - Staple in odd paladin.
– The Boomsday Project Dreampetal Florist* - Playable in combo druid decks. Glowstone Technician - Strong card even though paladin is not currently in its best spot. Necromechanic # - Playable in highlander and mech hunter, decent winrate. Omega Agent - Playable in handlock which recently received a lot of support. Prismatic Lens– Holy Wrath paladin is significantly weaker post-nerfs. Thunderhead – Playable in even shaman.
– The Witchwood Arcane Keysmith# - Often played in highlander mage. Mossy Horror# - Tech card vs swarm decks, playable in highlander decks. Nightmare Amalgam* - Versatile card for tribal decks, low playrate. Vivid Nightmare - Sees play in quest priest, mediocre winrate. Voodoo Doll# - Often played in highlander mage and questlock, lower winrate after nerfs.
– Kobolds & Catacombs Carnivorous Cube # - Staple in cubelock and deathrattle hunter. Cataclysm # - Staple in Mecha'thun Warlock. Dragon's Fury – Playable in reno and control mage, reasonable winrate. Reckless Flurry * - Playable in odd warrior, worse winrate in SoU. Spiteful Summoner - Build-around card, playable in druid and priest decks. To My Side! - Staple in spell hunter which sees little play in the current meta. Unstable Evolution # - Playable in evolve shaman. Void Ripper # - Playable in odd paladin and rogue but low playrate. – Knights of the Frozen Throne Corpsetaker - Often played in even shaman, playable in other even decks. Simulacrum # – Decent winrate and staple in exodia mage running Emperor Thaurissan. – Journey to Un’Goro Bittertide Hydra – Sees little play but playable in aggressive decks. Meteor # – Playable in reno and big-spell mage. – Mean Streets of the Gadgetzan Kabal Trafficker # - Playable in renolock, good winrate but low playrate. Rat Pack – Playable in beast hunter, used to be staple in many hunter decks. Sleep with the Fishes #* - Playable in control and fatigue warrior. Small-Time Recruits - Playable in murloc paladin, rise in winrate.
– Whispers of the Old Gods Cabalist's Tome # - Slow card but playable in exodia mage, has also seen play in control mage. DOOM! # – Playable in reno and Mecha'thun Warlock. Faceless Shambler- Sees play in evenlock, lower playrate recently.
– The Grand Tournament Mulch – Mediocre winrate but a hard removal option for druid. Mysterious Challenger - Staple in secret paladin, good winrate but low playrate.
– Goblins & Gnomes Enhance-o Mechano- Playable in mech and swarm decks, big rise in winrate. Fel Reaver # - Sees play in mech hunter with good winrate, playable in any aggressive deck. Hobgoblin - Sees play in zoolock, big rise in winrate.
– Curse of Naxxramas Echoing Ooze - Surprise tech in swarm decks, low play and winrate.
– Hall of Fame Molten Giant – Often played in evenlock and heal paladin, strong synergy with High Priest Thekal. Mountain Giant * - Frequently played in evenlock, mediocre winrate.
– Rastakhan’s Rumble A New Challenger...- Occasionally used in slower paladin decks, mediocre winrate. Big Bad Voodoo - Low playrate, hurt by recent shaman nerfs. Blast Wave – Playable in highlander mage, mediocre winrate. Haunting Visions – Playable in both aggro and galakrond shaman, hurt by recent nerfs. Mosh'Ogg Announcer - Struggles to find a home in the current meta. Smolderthorn Lancer - Playable in Galakrond warrior and highlander warrior. Sul'thraze # - Playable in highlander warrior, also playable in quest decks. Treespeaker - Playable in treant druid, good winrate.
– The Boomsday Project Academic Espionage - Niche card for thief rogue, low winrate. Astromancer # - Playable in highlander and freeze mage. Augmented Elekk * - Used in a variety of weak decks, poor winrate. Crystallizer - Sometimes played in zoo decks, low playrate. Seaforium Bomber*- Niche card for bomb warrior and quest shaman. Unexpected Results - Sees fringe play in cyclone mage. Weaponized Pinata - Low winrate but a niche card for mech decks.
– Kobolds & Catacombs Crushing Walls - Playable in spell hunter, low winrate. Dragonhatcher - Has seen play in big and taunt druid. Evasion – Playable in mill and Malygos rogue, low winrate. Fal'dorei Strider - Fell flat after recent rogue nerfs, sees little play. Grand Archivist - Playable in Spiteful Summoner decks, very low playrate. Twilight Acolyte * - Staple in dragon priest which has low playrate currently. – Knights of the Frozen Throne Blackguard - Sees little play, outclassed in heal paladin. Bring It On! - Sees some play in fatigue warrior, low winrate. Dead Man's Hand – Playable in fatigue and recruit warrior, low winrate. Doomerang - Hurt by recent rogue nerfs, sees very little play. Drakkari Enchanter - Sees some play in big druid, synergy with Emperor Thaurissan. Fatespinner - Niche card for token druid, low winrate. Meat Wagon - Sees some play in mech deathrattle paladin, okay winrate. Rattling Rascal - A liability but has strong synergy with Evolve. Snowfury Giant – Playable in heavy overload decks. – Journey to Un’Goro Blazecaller– Playable in elemental decks which are fringe in the current meta. Bright-Eyed Scout * - Sees very little play but has niche potential in big spell mage. Chittering Tunneler - Sees very little play but decent winrate. Curious Glimmerroot * – Niche card for reno priest, mediocre winrate. Dinosize – Situational card which sees some play in even paladin. Giant Anaconda – Playable in Mecha'thun Druid, low winrate. Living Mana– Often played in token druid, good winrate but low playrate. Primordial Drake *- Playable in dragon and control decks, very low playrate. Stone Sentinel - Playable in elemental shaman, low winrate. – Mean Streets of the Gadgetzan Fight Promoter - Playable in hand-buff decks, low winrate. Mana Geode – Sees very little play but playable in proactive priest decks. Manic Soulcaster - Playable in reno and control mage, low play and winrate. – Whispers of the Old Gods Eternal Sentinel - Playable in overload aggro shaman, low winrate. Forbidden Healing - Tech option for heal paladin. Giant Sand Worm - Sees very little play but a niche card for recruit hunter. Wisps of the Old Gods – Low playrate but playable in token druid.
– The Grand Tournament Arcane Blast - Low winrate, has seen play in burn mage. Beneath the Grounds - Tech option for mill decks, low winrate. Coldarra Drake - Sees little play but playable in inspire decks. Elemental Destruction - Playable in control shaman, low winrate. – Goblins & Gnomes Ancestor's Call – Staple in Malygos and big shaman, which are niche archetypes. Clockwork Giant - Tech card vs control decks, very low playrate. Coghammer - Niche card for mech paladin, good winrate but very low playrate. Crush - Low win and playrate but playable in slower warrior decks. Demonheart – Sees very little play but playable in demon decks. Piloted Sky Golem - Playable in midrange decks, decent winrate but low playrate. Siltfin Spiritwalker - Often played in murloc shaman, low playrate.
– The Witchwood Bogshaper - Playable in elemental shaman, very low winrate. Deadly Arsenal - Synergy card which lacks support, very low winrate. Deathweb Spider – Slow card, effect difficult to make use of. Muck Hunter - Outclassed by better 5 mana options. Ratcatcher - Meme card. Splitting Festeroot - Extremely slow card. Totem Cruncher - A liability. Toxmonger - Very low winrates, staple in quest hunter in Wild. WANTED! - Overpriced card, outclassed by better removal options. Worgen Abomination - Meme card, effect difficult to make use of.
– League of Explorers Djinni of Zephyrs- Meme card for buff decks, sees very little play. Naga Sea Witch - Low playrate after nerf, has seen play in giant hunter and handlock. – The Grand Tournament Astral Communion- Astral decks have very low winrate currently. Charged Hammer - Slow card, outclassed in midrange shaman decks. Confuse - Meme card. Crowd Favorite - Sees very little play, low winrate. Dark Bargain - Poor value card which sees very little play, low winrate. Dreadsteed - Meme card, once played in heavy demonlock. Enter the Coliseum - Outclassed by better board clear options. Frost Giant - Meme card for inspire decks. Grand Crusader - Very unreliable card. Kodorider – Meme card, sees very little play. Lock and Load - Meme card, hunter lacks combo synergy. Magnataur Alpha - Understatted, unreliable card. Master of Ceremonies - Very inconsistent card. Poisoned Blade - Extremely slow card. Recruiter - Very slow card. Sea Reaver – Very unreliable card. Shadowfiend - Inconsistent card, very low win and playrate. Sideshow Spelleater - Unreliable tech card vs inspire decks, very low playrate. Stablemaster - Meme card, sees very little play. – Goblins & Gnomes Anima Golem - A liability. Bouncing Blade - Very unreliable card. Cogmaster's Wrench - Very inconsistent card. Dark Wispers - Poor value, sees little play. Echo of Medivh - Very sitautional card. Junkbot - Meme card for mech decks, sees very little play. Mini-Mage - A liability. Recombobulator - Meme card. Sabotage - Very unreliable card, low winrate. Shadowbomber - Sees very little play, low winrate. Steamwheedle Sniper – Outclassed in a crowded slot for Hunter. Tree of Life - Slow card, outclassed in mill druid. Wee Spellstopper - Meme card, sees very little play. – Curse of Naxxramas Shade of Naxxramas – Very little played, used to be staple in old midrange combo druid.
With the release of Descent of Dragons, the Epics from that expansion have been added to the list. Realistically, we cannot place them with the data currently available yet, but over the next week or so we should find out where they belong.
In the meantime, you can check the projected placement to see which Epics look to be the strongest in the set. Also, keep an eye on the Epics from previous expansions, as some of them will likely move to different tiers very soon.
Thank you so much for the wonderful website. Which made my day and got full information about Ac Market. Loved this website and recommended for all the users.
Stormhammer definitely Tier 1, Dragon Hunter the strongest deck in winrate out there and the weapon is a huge staple. Probably should add Escaped Manasaber as well. Boompistol is probably T2.
Just finished placing the cards in the new set, as well as making changes to the wild section. Over the next few days, I will change the placements of cards from older expansions accordingly.
Argent Braggart - Strong tempo play in pure paladin.
Cabal Acolyte - Great synergy with Wave of Apathy
Devout Pupil - Staple in pure paladin.
Guardian Animals - Buildaround card in ramp druid.
Survival of the Fittest - Staple in ramp druid.
Secret Passage - Sees play in all relevant rogue decks.
Bamboozle - Staple in Galakrond secret rogue.
Glowfly Swarm - Buildaround card in spell druid.
Greyheart Sage * - Sees play in highlander and galakrond rogue.
Mo'arg Artificer - Sees play in a variety of control decks, especially control warlock.
Nagrand Slam - Great winrate, mainly used in highlander hunter.
Warglaives of Azzinoth - Staple in aggro demon hunter.
DHI - Demon Hunter Initiate
Eye Beam - Staple in aggro demon hunter.
GAW - Galakrond's Awakening
- Descent of Dragons
- Saviors of Uldum
Boompistol Bully - Excellent counter to Galakrond decks such as warrior or rogue.
Escaped Manasaber - Sees play in a variety of highlander decks.
Dark Skies - Strong board clear for quest warlock.
Rolling Fireball * - Strictly better Flame Lance, solid removal option for mage.
Stormhammer - Staple in dragon hunter.
Bloodsworn Mercenary - Enrage warrior is still strong even after the nerfs.
Livewire Lance - Staple in enrage warrior, playable in any tempo-based warrior deck.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron # - Staple in highlander mage.
Tortollan Pilgrim # - Staple in highlander and big spell mage.
Vulpera Scoundrel # - Used by a variety of classes and decks.
Power of Creation # - Staple in highlander mage, great synergy with Tortollan Pilgrim.
Murloc Warleader - Staple in murloc paladin, good winrate.
Snake Trap # - Staple in highlander and secret hunter, good winrate.
Twisting Nether # – Staple in quest warlock.
Devolving Missiles - High playrate, but hurt by nerfs to druid.
Flesh Giant - Staple in zoo warlock.
Potion of Illusion - Buildaround card in tortollan mage.
Steeldancer - Staple in weapon rogue.
Bladestorm * - Playable in control warrior.
Libram of Hope * - Staple in pure paladin.
Sethekk Veilweaver - Playable in highlander priest.
Underlight Angling Rod * - Good value card, staple in murloc paladin.
Warmaul Challenger * - Sees play in a variety of warrior decks.
Fate Weaver * - Staple in Galakrond priest.
Lightforged Crusader * - Buildaround card for pure paladin, solid winrate.
Toxic Reinforcements *- Sees success in aggressive face decks.
Umbral Skulker - Sees play in Galakrond rogue.
Veiled Worshipper * - Huge payoff for Galakrond warlock, decent winrate.
Anubisath Defender * - Playable in a variety of druid decks.
Plague of Death * - Staple in all priest decks.
Wrenchcalibur * - Playable in control warrior.
Brawl * - Staple in slower warrior decks, good winrate.
Force of Nature - * Staple in treant druid.
Preparation - Playable in malygos and highlander rogue.
Pyroblast * # - Staple in big spell mage.
Sea Giant
Shield Slam - Staple in control warrior, good winrate.
Southsea Captain - Playable in pirate warrior, hurt by nerfs but still has a good winrate.
Combustion - Playable in highlander mage.
Transfer Student - Sees play in several highlander decks.
Trueaim Crescent - Playable in highlander hunter.
Apexis Blast - Buildaround card in spell mage.
Augmented Porcupine - Playable in face hunter.
Boggspine Knuckles - Staple in galakrond shaman.
Skeletal Dragon - Playable in most priest decks.
DHI - Demon Hunter Initiate
Wrathscale Naga - Buildaround in token demon hunter, mediocre winrate.
Wrathspike Brute - Sometimes used in highlander demon hunter.
Dragon's Pack - Hurt hard by recent nerfs.
Kobold Stickyfinger - Tech card which performs decently against warrior and demon hunter.
Sanctuary - Niche card for pure paladin: good against control but weak against aggro.
Skyfin - Sees some play in hunter and paladin, but overall dragon/murloc hybrids haven't taken off.
Crystal Merchant * - Played in embiggen druid, also still works in quest druid.
History Buff - Interesting effect, playable in highlander rogue and zoo decks.
Psychopomp * - Staple in resurrect priest which has a lower winrate currently.
Splitting Axe * - Playable in totem shaman.
Tip the Scales - Sees play in murloc paladin, good winrate but low playrate.
Wild Bloodstinger # - Playable in highlander hunter, also a tech option vs combo decks.
Crystalsong Portal - Usable in treant druid but can be replaced.
Mana Cyclone - The DoD elemental package boosted cyclone mage's winrate, but not by much.
Magic Carpet * - Has not adjusted well to the zoolock nerf.
Omega Devastator * - Formerly strong card which currently sees little play.
Waggle Pick * - Often played in aggressive rogue decks.
Witch's Brew - Sees play in galakrond shaman, hurt by recent nerfs.
Unidentified Contract * - Value card which sees some play in galakrond rogue.
Avenging Wrath - Occasionally used in pure paladin.
Cabal Shadow Priest * - Used in a variety of priest decks despite the low playrate.
Far Sight - Playable in Galakrond shaman decks which struggle in the current meta.
Hungry Crab * # - Decent tech card against murloc decks.
Icicle * - Performs decently in highlander mage, low playrate.
Ceremonial Maul - Playable in big warrior which is a dying archetype.
Felosophy - Low winrate but good synergy with Desk Imp.
Runic Carvings - Playable in totem shaman.
Totem Goliath - Playable in totem shaman.
Void Drinker - Control warlock has been hurt by the druid nerfs.
Apexis Smuggler - Decent card, but secret mage lacks enough synergy to be competitive.
Darkglare - Sometimes used in zoolock, but performs poorly in that deck.
Marsh Hydra * - Used in big druid, a slow and ineffective archetype.
Shattered Rumbler - Spell shaman has a low winrate.
Waste Warden - Niche tech card, performs poorly in the current meta.
DHI - Demon Hunter Initiate
Flamereaper - Commonly used in highlander demon hunter.
GAW - Galakrond's Awakening
Chaos Gazer - Very weak effect which is often useless when played on curve.
Chromatic Egg - Very slow, but can work in quest paladin.
Cumulo-Maximus * - Struggles to find a home after the rotation.
Embiggen * - Embiggen druid has fallen off hard in AoO.
Mana Giant - Sees play in cyclone mage which is not a strong archetype. T2 in Wild.
Necrium Apothecary - Has not recovered from the nerf.
Ramming Speed * # - Mediocre removal option for warrior.
Blatant Decoy - Staple in big paladin and shaman, low winrate currently.
Diseased Vulture - * No longer sees any play in zoolock.
Micro Mummy * - Played in a variety of weak decks.
Plague of Murlocs * # - Shaman is not in a great spot competitively.
Riftcleaver - Effect is not worth the downside.
Scarlet Webweaver # - Niche card which does not currently see much play.
Shadow of Death - Poor winrate but does have some synergy with Stowaway.
Batterhead - Played in slower priest and druid decks, low winrate.
Dragon Speaker - Dragon paladin is playable but unimpressive.
Hench-Clan Hag - Niche card for token decks.
Lazul's Scheme - Playable in miracle priest, very low winrate.
Muckmorpher - Staple in big shaman which is a niche deck in the current meta.
Nine Lives * - Sees little play currently.
Shadowy Figure - Low winrate, but good synergy with Grave Rune.
Unseen Saboteur - Niche tech card against spell heavy decks.
Ancient of Lore - Playable in heal and quest druid, low winrate.
Ancient of War - Does not make the cut in most quest druid decks, bad winrate.
Big Game Hunter * # - Tech option against large minions, low playrate.
Doomhammer * - Has not found a new deck after the rotation.
Faceless Manipulator - Playable in slower mech paladin decks, low winrate.
Gladiator's Longbow - Sees very little play but playable in slower hunter decks.
Gorehowl - Niche card for minion-heavy warrior decks.
Lay on Hands - Staple in spell paladin, low winrate.
Spellbender - Playable in secret mage, low winrate.
Ancient Void Hound - Extremely slow card.
Educated Elekk - Very weak effect which can hurt more than it helps.
Enchanted Cauldron - Meme card, sees very little play.
Krolusk Barkstripper - Effect hard to trigger.
Playmaker - Niche effect, low winrate.
Pit Commander - Big demon hunter has a very low winrate.
Replicat-o-tron - Very niche effect which is difficult to make use of.
Shadow Council - Meme card.
GAW - Galakrond's Awakening
Shadow Sculptor - Often a worse Gadgetzan Auctioneer, low winrate.
Blowtorch Saboteur - Lacks any form of synergy to justify using in your deck.
Dread Raven - Dread Raven OTK decks are not viable.
Envoy of Lazul - Priest's thief synergies have historically performed poorly, and this is no exception.
Grizzled Wizard - Meme card.
Tentacled Menace - Extremely unreliable, frequently helps your opponent.
Transmogrifier - A liability.
Scion of Ruin * - Galakrond warrior lost the cards that made it viable with the rotation.
Secure the Deck - Lacks any synergy in standard, awful winrate.
Wyrmrest Purifier * - Has a low playrate after the standard rotation.
Body Wrapper - Very unreliable card, you usually will not get what you want.
Desert Obelisk - This is a card for casual mode, not recommended on ladder.
Dwarven Archaeologist - Meme card, effect difficult to make good use of.
Mischief Maker - Possible tech card vs decks going on fatigue but very low winrate.
Mogu Cultist - Mogu decks have terrible winrates.
Mortuary Machine - Meme card, often a worse Fel Reaver.
Whirlkick Master - Slow card, effect difficult to make use of.
Arcane Fletcher - Has meme potential in midrange hunter.
Azerite Elemental - Meme card.
Big Bad Archmage - Very slow card.
Crystal Stag - Oasis Surger performs similarly without a condition.
Darkest Hour - Meme card.
Duel! - Big paladin decks are not viable.
Jumbo Imp - Difficult to discount efficiently.
Portal Overfiend - Weak card for Plot Twist Warlock.
Whirlwind Tempest - Meme card, playable in experimental big shaman decks.
Bane of Doom - Very unreliable card, low winrate.
Barrens Stablehand - Meme card.
Bestial Wrath - Meme card.
Blood Knight - Niche tech card, useless in the current meta.
Earth Elemental - Playable in heavy-overload decks, very low winrate.
Kidnapper - Overpriced card, outclassed by better removal options.
Mindgames - Meme card, playable in fun steal decks.
Patient Assassin - Outclassed by better removal options for rogue.
Pit Lord - Playable in demonlock, very low play and winrate.
Shadowform – Often a liability, meme card.
Sword of Justice * - Sees very little play after the rotation.
Standard ranking change log for Year of the Dragon:
14 August
Transfer Student to Tier 2
Guardian Animals to Tier 1
Argent Braggart to Tier 1
Devout Pupil to Tier 1
Survival of the Fittest to Tier 1
29 May
Skeletal Dragon Tier 1 to 3
Marsh Hydra Tier 2 to 4
Greyheart Sage Tier 2 to 1
Underlight Angling Rod Tier 3 to 2
Warmaul Challenger Tier 4 to 2
Bladestorm Tier 5 to 2
Flamereaper Tier 2 to 4
Embiggen Tier 1 to 4
Scion of Ruin Tier 1 to 5
Toxic Reinforcements Tier 1 to 2
Veiled Worshipper Tier 1 to 2
Rolling Fireball Tier 2 to 1
Cumulo-Maximus Tier 3 to 4
Lightforged Crusader Tier 3 to 2
Wyrmrest Purifier Tier 3 to 5
Anubisath Defender Tier 1 to 2
Plague of Death Tier 1 to 2
Psychopomp Tier 1 to 3
Crystal Merchant Tier 2 to 3
Micro Mummy Tier 2 to 4
Plague of Murlocs Tier 2 to 4
Diseased Vulture Tier 3 to 4
Splitting Axe Tier 5 to 3
Batterhead Tier 1 to 4
Magic Carpet Tier 2 to 3
Omega Devastator Tier 2 to 3
Power of Creation Tier 2 to 1
Waggle Pick Tier 2 to 3
Jumbo Imp Tier 3 to 5
Wrenchcalibur Tier 3 to 2
Unidentified Contract Tier 4 to 3
Force of Nature Tier 1 to 2
Mountain Giant moved to HoF
Sea Giant Tier 1 to 2
Doomhammer Tier 2 to 4
Sword of Justice Tier 3 to 5
Avenging Wrath Tier 4 to 3
Cabal Shadow Priest Tier 4 to 3
Icicle Tier 5 to 3
18 April
Flamereaper to Tier 2
Wrathscale Naga to Tier 3
Wrathspike Brute to Tier 3
Pit Commander to Tier 5
Warglaives of Azzinoth to Tier 1
Apexis Blast Tier 1 to 3
Marsh Hydra to Tier 2
Augmented Porcupine to Tier 3
Nagrand Slam to Tier 1
Apexis Smuggler to Tier 4
Libram of Hope to Tier 5
Underlight Angling Rod to Tier 3
Sethekk Veilweaver to Tier 2
Greyheart Sage to Tier 2
Boggspine Knuckles to Tier 3
Shattered Rumbler to Tier 4
Darkglare to Tier 4
Shadow Council to Tier 5
Bladestorm to Tier 5
Warmaul Challenger to Tier 4
Replicat-o-tron to Tier 5
Waste Warden to Tier 4
12 April
Eye Beam to Tier 1
Apexis Blast to Tier 1
Skeletal Dragon to Tier 1
Glowfly Swarm to Tier 1
Bamboozle to Tier 1
8 April
Cards moved to Wild section
29 March
Stormhammer Tier 2 to 1
Crowd Roaster Tier 1 to 2
Masked Contender Tier 1 to 2
Stampeding Roar Tier 2 to 3
Boompistol Bully to Tier 1
Escaped Manasaber to Tier 1
Chaos Gazer to Tier 4
Necrium Apothecary Tier 2 to 4
Shadow Sculptor Tier 4 to 5
Fate Weaver Tier 5 to 4
Wyrmrest Purifier Tier 4 to 3
25 January
Shadow Sculptor to Tier 4
Stampeding Roar Tier 5 to 2
Embiggen Tier 2 to 1
18 January
Dragon's Pack Tier 1 to 3
Scion of Ruin Tier 2 to 1
Anubisath Defender Tier 2 to 1
Mountain Giant Tier 2 to 1
Psychopomp Tier 3 to 1
Dark Skies Tier 2 to 1
Crystal Merchant Tier 4 to 2
Preparation Tier 3 to 2
Umbral Skulker Tier 3 to 2
Changed Livewire Lance's description
Force of Nature Tier 3 to 1
Batterhead Tier 3 to 1
Bloodsworn Mercenary Tier 2 to 1
Doomsayer Tier 2 to 1
Far Sight Tier 4 to 3
Power of Creation Tier 1 to 2
Necrium Apothecary Tier 1 to 2
Embiggen Tier 3 to 2
Shield Slam Tier 1 to 2
Brawl Tier 1 to 2
Twisting Nether Tier 3 to 1
Tortollan Pilgrim Tier 1 to 2
Book of Specters Tier 3 to 2
Changed Witch's Brew's description
Rolling Fireball Tier 1 to 2
Haunting Visions Tier 2 to 3
Big Bad Voodoo Tier 3 to 4
Omega Devastator Tier 3 to 2
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Tier 1 to 2
Southsea Captain Tier 4 to 2
Thunderhead Tier 1 to 3
Supercollider Tier 2 to 1
Pyroblast Tier 2 to 3
Lightforged Crusader Tier 2 to 3
Glowstone Technician Tier 1 to 2
Ramming Speed Tier 4 to 3
Necrium Vial Tier 1 to 3
Faceless Manipulator Tier 3 to 4
Tip the Scales Tier 2 to 3
Hidden Wisdom Tier 1 to 4
Vivid Nightmare Tier 4 to 3
Wispering Woods Tier 3 to 2
Baleful Banker Tier 3 to 2
Smolderthorn Lancer Tier 3 to 2
17 December
Micro Mummy Tier 1 to 2
Psychopomp Tier 1 to 3
Tip the Scales Tier 1 to 2
Plague of Death Tier 1 to 4
Anubisath Defender Tier 2 to 3
Crystal Merchant Tier 2 to 4
Diseased Vulture Tier 2 to 3
Livewire Lance Tier 2 to 1
Plague of Murlocs Tier 3 to 2
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Tier 3 to 1
Splitting Axe Tier 3 to 5
Tortollan Pilgrim to Tier 1
Body Wrapper Tier 4 to 5
Shadow of Death Tier 5 to 4
Hench-Clan Hag Tier 1 to 4
Omega Devastator Tier 1 to 3
Waggle Pick Tier 1 to 2
Batterhead Tier 2 to 3
Power of Creation Tier 2 to 1
Wrenchcalibur Tier 2 to 3
Big Bad Archmage Tier 4 to 5
Crystal Stag Tier 4 to 5
Crystalsong Portal Tier 4 to 3
Jumbo Imp Tier 4 to 3
Mana Cyclone Tier 4 to 3
Witch's Brew Tier 4 to 3
Dragon Speaker Tier 5 to 4
Shadowy Figure Tier 5 to 4
Unidentified Contract Tier 5 to 4
15 December
Dragon's Pack to Tier 1
Stormhammer to Tier 2
Lightforged Crusader to Tier 2
Dark Skies to Tier 2
Kobold Stickyfinger to Tier 4
Scion of Ruin to Tier 2
Toxic Reinforcements to Tier 1
Rolling Fireball to Tier 1
Veiled Worshipper to Tier 1
Umbral Skulker to Tier 3
Mana Giant to Tier 4
Necrium Apothecary to Tier 1
Dread Raven to Tier 5
Envoy of Lazul to Tier 5
Fate Weaver to Tier 5
Ramming Speed to Tier 4
10 December
Added all DoD Epics (awaiting placement)
Removed Doom in the Tomb Epics
12 October
Micro Mummy Tier 2 to 1
Plague of Death Tier 3 to 1
Bloodsworn Mercenary Tier 1 to 2
Livewire Lance Tier 1 to 2
History Buff Tier 4 to 3
Splitting Axe Tier 4 to 3
Scarlet Webweaver Tier 3 to 4
Magic Carpet Tier 2 to 1
Waggle Pick Tier 2 to 1
Power of Creation Tier 3 to 2
Crystalsong Portal Tier 3 to 4
Batterhead Tier 4 to 2
Hench-Clan Hag Tier Tier 4 to 1
Sul'thraze Tier 3 to 2
Dreampetal Florist Tier 3 to 2
Necrium Vial Tier 5 to 3
Thunderhead Tier 2 to 1
Omega Mind to Tier 3
Nightmare Amalgam Tier 2 to 1
Hidden Wisdom Tier 4 to 1
Doomsayer Tier 1 to 2
Ancient of War Tier 3 to 4
Sword of Justice Tier 4 to 3
Astral Communion to Tier 5
Mysterious Challenger to Tier 1
Lock and Load to Tier 4
Call of the Wild to Tier 1
Renounce Darkness to Tier 5
Lightbomb to Tier 1
7 September
Livewire Lance Tier 2 to 1
Bloodsworn Mercenary Tier 2 to 1
Seaforium Bomber Tier 3 to 4
Voodoo Doll Tier 2 to 3
Astromancer Tier 2 to 3
Haunting Visions Tier 2 to 3
Power of Creation Tier 2 to 3
Psychopomp Tier 2 to 1
Mountain Giant Tier 1 to 2
Mana Cyclone Tier 1 to 4
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Tier 1 to 3
Tortollan Pilgrim Tier 1 to 3
27 August
Shadow of Death Tier 4 to 5
Jumbo Imp Tier 5 to 4
24 August
Cathedral Gargoyle Tier 4 to 5
Beryllium Nullifier Tier 4 to 5
Cannon Barrage Tier 4 to 5
20 August
Mogu Cultist Tier 4 to 5
Duel! Tier 5 to 4
New classic card from Patch has been added:
Barrens Stablehand to Tier 5
17 August
New SoU cards are placed:
To Tier 1:
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron, Tip the Scales and Tortollan Pilgrim.
To Tier 2:
Anubisath Defender, Bloodsworn Mercenary, Crystal Merchant, Diseased Vulture, Livewire Lance, Micro Mummy, Psychopomp and Vulpera Scoundrel.
To Tier 3:
Plague of Death, Plague of Murlocs, Scarlet Webweaver and Wild Bloodstinger.
To Tier 4:
Blatant Decoy, Body Wrapper, History Buff, Mogu Cultist, Riftcleaver, Shadow of Death and Splitting Axe.
To Tier 5:
Desert Obelisk, Dwarven Archaeologist, Mischief Maker, Mortuary Machine and Whirlkick Master.
Ancient of War Tier 5 to 3
Omega Mind Tier 4 to 5
Omega Defender Tier 4 to 5
Dreampetal Florist Tier 4 to 3
The Beast Within Tier 4 to 5
Snapjaw Shellfighter Tier 4 to 5
Gurubashi Hypemon Tier 4 to 5
Auchenai Phantasm Tier 4 to 5
Dragon Speaker Tier 4 to 5
Southsea Captain Tier 3 to 4
Gorehowl Tier 3 to 4
Far Sight Tier 3 to 4
Pyroblast Tier 3 to 2
Hungry Crab Tier 3 to 2
Voodoo Doll Tier 3 to 2
Sandbinder Tier 3 to 2
Hidden Wisdom Tier 3 to 4
Augmented Elekk Tier 3 to 2
Unseen Saboteur Tier 3 to 4
Witch's Brew Tier 3 to 4
Unexpected Results Tier 3 to 4
Smolderthorn Lancer Tier 3 to 4
Big Bad Voodoo Tier 3 to 4
Waggle Pick Tier 3 to 2
Power of Creation Tier 3 to 2
Muckmorpher Tier 3 to 4
Shield Slam Tier 2 to 1
Preparation Tier 2 to 3
Force of Nature Tier 2 to 3
Faceless Manipulator Tier 2 to 3
Big Game Hunter Tier 2 to 3
Wispering Woods Tier 2 to 3
Book of Specters Tier 2 to 3
Supercollider Tier 2 to 1
Prismatic Lens Tier 2 to 1
Glowstone Technician Tier 2 to 3
Crowd Roaster Tier 2 to 3
Omega Devastator Tier 2 to 1
Hench-Clan Hag Tier 2 to 4
Crystalsong Portal Tier 2 to 3
Rat Trap Tier 2 to 1
Thunderhead Tier 1 to 2
Master's Call Tier 1 to 2
30 June
Big Game Hunter Tier 3 to 2
Rat Trap Tier 1 to 2
Batterhead Tier 3 to 4
Big Bad Archmage Tier 3 to 4
Glowstone Technician Tier 4 to 2
Jumbo Imp Tier 4 to 5
Necromechanic Tier 4 to 3
19 June
Untamed Beastmaster Tier 4 to 5
Stampeding Roar Tier 4 to 5
Crowd Roaster Tier 3 to 2
17 June
Faceless Manipulator Tier 3 to 2
Town Crier Tier 2 to 1
Snake Trap Tier 2 to 1
Hench-Clan Hag Tier 3 to 2
13 June
Master's Call Tier 2 to 1
Reckless Experimenter Tier 4 to 5
Treespeaker Tier 3 to 4
Witch's Cauldron Tier 3 to 4
Thunderhead Tier 3 to 1
Doomhammer Tier 4 to 2
Sword of Justice Tier 5 to 4
Unidentified Contract Tier 4 to 5
Unexpected Results Tier 5 to 3
Haunting Visions Tier 3 to 2
Prismatic Lens Tier 3 to 2
Crowd Roaster Tier 2 to 3
Mana Cyclone Tier 2 to 1
26 May
Preparation Tier 1 to 2
Waggle Pick Tier 1 to 3
Augmented Elekk Tier 2 to 3
Supercollider Tier 1 to 2
Masked Contender Tier 2 to 1
Hench-Clan Hag Tier 2 to 3
Shield Slam Tier 1 to 2
Rat Trap Tier 2 to 1
Town Crier Tier 1 to 2
Omega Devastator Tier 1 to 2
Wrenchcalibur tier 1 to 2
21 May
Murloc Warleader Tier 2 to 1
18 May
Wrenchcalibur Tier 2 to 1
Masked Contender Tier 3 to 2
Duel! Tier 4 to 5
[card]Mana Cyclone/card] Tier 3 to 2
16 May
Mossy Horror Tier 2 to 3
12 May
Prismatic Lens Tier 2 to 3
Doomhammer Tier 3 to 4
Arcane Keysmith Tier 3 to 2
Seaforium Bomber Tier 2 to 3
Arcane Fletcher Tier 4 to 5
Nine Lives Tier 2 to 3
Force of Nature Tier 1 to 2
Wispering Woods Tier 1 to 2
Crystalsong Portal Tier 1 to 2
Faceless Manipulator Tier 1 to 3
6 May
Mana Cyclone Tier 4 to 3
5 May
Supercollider Tier 2 to 1
Ancient of Lore Tier 5 to 4
Sword of Justice Tier 4 to 5
Pyroblast Tier 4 to 3
Blood Knight Tier 4 to 5
3 May
Supercollider Tier 1 to 2
Omega Defender Tier 5 to 4
Sandbinder Tier 5 to 3
Ancient of War Tier 4 to 5
Twisting Nether Tier 2 to 3
Smolderthorn Lancer Tier 2 to 3
Wrenchcalibur Tier 1 to 2
Augmented Elekk Tier 1 to 2
29 April
Seaforium Bomber Tier 1 to 2
Omega Mind Tier 5 to 4
28 April
Voodoo Doll Tier 4 to 3
Crystallizer Tier 4 to 2
Ectomancy Tier 4 to 5
27 April
Void Contract Tier 4 to 5
Juicy Psychmelon Description changed from "Struggles to find a home in the meta."
Hidden Wisdom Tier 2 to 3
Master's Call Tier 1 to 2
Magic Carpet Tier 1 to 2
25 April
Haunting Visions Tier 4 to 3
Hidden Wisdom Tier 4 to 2
Far Sight Tier 4 to 3
Cabal Shadow Priest Tier 3 to 4
20 April
Omega Devastator Tier 2 to 1
Power of Creation Text changed from: "Staple in Khadgar Mage, above-par winrate."
Dreampetal Florist Tier 2 to 4
Force of Nature Tier 2 to 1
Gorehowl Tier 2 to 3
Southsea Captain Tier 2 to 3
Masked Contender Tier 2 to 3
Prismatic Lens Tier 3 to 2
Treespeaker Tier 4 to 3
Baleful Banker Text changed from "Staple in Holy Wrath Paladin, reasonable winrate."
Town Crier Tier 2 to 1
Cannon Barrage Tier 3 to 4
17 April
Added remaining RoS cards to the list.
Whirlwind Tempest to Tier 5
Hench-Clan Hag to Tier 2
Portal Overfiend to Tier 5
Azerite Elemental to Tier 5
Batterhead to Tier 3
Big Bad Archmage to Tier 3
15 April
Duel! Tier 5 to 4
Soulwarden Tier 3 to 4
Nightmare Amalgam Tier 3 to 2
Darkest Hour description changed: "Tier 2 in Wild."
Jumbo Imp Tier 5 to 4
Magic Carpet to Tier 1
Wispering Woods Tier 4 to 1
Force of Nature Tier 4 to 2
13 April
Mountain Giant Tier 2 to 1
Crystalsong Portal Tier 2 to 1
Power of Creation Tier 3 to 2
Unseen Saboteur to Tier 3
Omega Devastator to Tier 2
Darkest Hour to Tier 5
Jumbo Imp to Tier 5
12 April
cards to the list.
Added several
To Tier 1:
Waggle Pick
To Tier 2:
Crystalsong Portal
Nine Lives
To Tier 3:
Power of Creation
Witch's Brew
To Tier 4:
Arcane Fletcher
Crystal Stag
Dragon Speaker
Mana Cyclone
Unidentified Contract
To Tier 5:
Shadowy Figure
Vivid Nightmare Tier 3 to 4
Necrium Vial Tier 3 to 5
Sul'thraze Tier 2 to 3
Big Bad Voodoo Tier 4 to 3
11 April
Mountain Giant Tier 1 to 2
Blast Wave Tier 2 to 4
Big Game Hunter Tier 2 to 3
Cabal Shadow Priest Tier 2 to 3
Arcane Keysmith Tier 2 to 3
Seaforium Bomber Tier 4 to 1
Immortal Prelate Tier 4 to 5
Murloc Warleader Tier 3 to 2
Avenging Wrath Tier 3 to 4
Reckless Experimenter Tier 3 to 4
Vivid Nightmare Tier 2 to 3
Book of Specters Tier 3 to 2
Spellbender Tier 3 to 4
Rat Trap Tier 3 to 2
Splitting Image Tier 3 to 4
Stampeding Roar Tier 3 to 4
Omega Agent Tier 3 to 4
Pyroblast Tier 3 to 4
Augmented Elekk Tier 4 to 1
Voodoo Doll Tier 2 to 4
For details on how Standard will rotate, check out this thread!
Wild sets and best standard crafts in Wild
Standard (Wild Ranking)
Mana Cyclone – Staple in quest mage.
Mana Giant – Staple in quest mage.
Book of Specters * - Staple in quest mage.
Branching Paths
Psychic Scream - Very strong card, sees play in Reno Priest
Voidlord - Staple in most warlock decks, including reno and cubelock.
Nerubian Unraveler – Staple in Darkest Hour Warlock, decent winrate.
Ultimate Infestation - Staple in jade druid, also sees play in ramp druid.
Bloodbloom * - Staple in Mecha'thun and Darkest Hour Warlock.
Primordial Glyph - Staple in quest mage; playable in a variety of decks.
Shadow Visions
Dirty Rat #
Dragonfire Potion #* - Powerful board clear for reno priest.
Arcane Giant – Strong finisher in quest mage, but will soon be nerfed.
Lightbomb # - Staple in many priest decks, good winrate.
Ice Block #* - Staple in control and secret mage, very good winrate.
Standard (Wild Ranking)
– Rastakhan’s Rumble
– The Boomsday Project
– The Witchwood
Darkest Hour * – Strong buildaround card for warlock.
Masked Contender # – Staple in secret rogue, playable in any secret deck.
Juicy Psychmelon – Does not have any home in the current meta, but has niche potential in the future.
Supercollider # – Playable in any slower warrior archetype.
Baleful Banker * - Staple in Holy Wrath Paladin.
Rat Trap # - Staple in secret and highlander hunter, great winrate.
Sandbinder # - Often played in highlander decks as a reliable tutor of Zephrys the Great.
Town Crier - Staple in any warrior deck with very solid winrate.
Wispering Woods * – Playable in token druid, good winrate.
Arcane Tyrant - Often played in big spell and reno mage, good winrate currently.
Call to Arms - Staple in murloc and giant paladin; strong card in any aggro deck.
Corridor Creeper - Nerfed hard but still sees play in odd paladin and evolve shaman.
Gnomeferatu # - Tech card vs combo decks, currently sees play in renolock.
Obsidian Statue – Staple in slow priest decks.
Skulking Geist #* - Tech vs jade druid which is popular in the current meta.
Treachery * – Staple in treachery warlock, playable in Mecha'thun warlock.
Charged Devilsaur - Often played in Darkest Hour Warlock, good winrate.
Gentle Megasaur – Finisher in murloc decks, very good winrate in shaman and paladin.
Gluttonous Ooze # - Strong tech card, sees regular play in control and highlander decks.
Vilespine Slayer - Staple in odd rogue, playable in any rogue deck.
Call of the Wild * - Recently buffed, good winrate.
Vilefin Inquisitor – Strong card in murloc paladin but low playrate.
Garrison Commander - Playable in even shaman and even hunter, good winrate.
Twilight Guardian - Sees some play in dragon priest, decent winrate.
Feign Death #- Playable in deathrattle hunter.
Quartermaster * - Staple in odd paladin.
Auchenai Phantasm # - Playable in reno priest.
Crowd Roaster - Playable in all dragon decks.
Master's Call - Formerly strong, but midrange hunter is a dying archetype.
Soulwarden * - Playable in discolock, decent winrate.
Splitting Image * - Playable in secret mage.
Stampeding Roar - Excellent synergy with Winged Guardian and Oondasta.
Dreampetal Florist * - Playable in combo druid decks.
Glowstone Technician - Strong card even though paladin is not currently in its best spot.
Necromechanic # - Playable in highlander and mech hunter, decent winrate.
Omega Agent - Playable in handlock which recently received a lot of support.
Prismatic Lens – Holy Wrath paladin is significantly weaker post-nerfs.
Thunderhead – Playable in even shaman.
Arcane Keysmith # - Often played in highlander mage.
Mossy Horror # - Tech card vs swarm decks, playable in highlander decks.
Nightmare Amalgam * - Versatile card for tribal decks, low playrate.
Vivid Nightmare - Sees play in quest priest, mediocre winrate.
Voodoo Doll # - Often played in highlander mage and questlock, lower winrate after nerfs.
Carnivorous Cube # - Staple in cubelock and deathrattle hunter.
Cataclysm # - Staple in Mecha'thun Warlock.
Dragon's Fury – Playable in reno and control mage, reasonable winrate.
Reckless Flurry * - Playable in odd warrior, worse winrate in SoU.
Spiteful Summoner - Build-around card, playable in druid and priest decks.
To My Side! - Staple in spell hunter which sees little play in the current meta.
Unstable Evolution # - Playable in evolve shaman.
Void Ripper # - Playable in odd paladin and rogue but low playrate.
Corpsetaker - Often played in even shaman, playable in other even decks.
Simulacrum # – Decent winrate and staple in exodia mage running Emperor Thaurissan.
Bittertide Hydra – Sees little play but playable in aggressive decks.
Meteor # – Playable in reno and big-spell mage.
Kabal Trafficker # - Playable in renolock, good winrate but low playrate.
Rat Pack – Playable in beast hunter, used to be staple in many hunter decks.
Sleep with the Fishes #* - Playable in control and fatigue warrior.
Small-Time Recruits - Playable in murloc paladin, rise in winrate.
Cabalist's Tome # - Slow card but playable in exodia mage, has also seen play in control mage.
DOOM! # – Playable in reno and Mecha'thun Warlock.
Faceless Shambler - Sees play in evenlock, lower playrate recently.
Mulch – Mediocre winrate but a hard removal option for druid.
Mysterious Challenger - Staple in secret paladin, good winrate but low playrate.
Enhance-o Mechano - Playable in mech and swarm decks, big rise in winrate.
Fel Reaver # - Sees play in mech hunter with good winrate, playable in any aggressive deck.
Hobgoblin - Sees play in zoolock, big rise in winrate.
Echoing Ooze - Surprise tech in swarm decks, low play and winrate.
Molten Giant – Often played in evenlock and heal paladin, strong synergy with High Priest Thekal.
Mountain Giant * - Frequently played in evenlock, mediocre winrate.
A New Challenger... - Occasionally used in slower paladin decks, mediocre winrate.
Big Bad Voodoo - Low playrate, hurt by recent shaman nerfs.
Blast Wave – Playable in highlander mage, mediocre winrate.
Haunting Visions – Playable in both aggro and galakrond shaman, hurt by recent nerfs.
Mosh'Ogg Announcer - Struggles to find a home in the current meta.
Smolderthorn Lancer - Playable in Galakrond warrior and highlander warrior.
Sul'thraze # - Playable in highlander warrior, also playable in quest decks.
Treespeaker - Playable in treant druid, good winrate.
Academic Espionage - Niche card for thief rogue, low winrate.
Astromancer # - Playable in highlander and freeze mage.
Augmented Elekk * - Used in a variety of weak decks, poor winrate.
Crystallizer - Sometimes played in zoo decks, low playrate.
Seaforium Bomber * - Niche card for bomb warrior and quest shaman.
Unexpected Results - Sees fringe play in cyclone mage.
Weaponized Pinata - Low winrate but a niche card for mech decks.
Cathedral Gargoyle - Dragon paladin has a low winrate.
Hidden Wisdom - Does not have a home in the current meta.
Spectral Cutlass - Low winrate, anti-synergy with Bazaar Burglary.
Witch's Cauldron – Playable in zoo and swarm decks but low playrate.
Crushing Walls - Playable in spell hunter, low winrate.
Dragonhatcher - Has seen play in big and taunt druid.
Evasion – Playable in mill and Malygos rogue, low winrate.
Fal'dorei Strider - Fell flat after recent rogue nerfs, sees little play.
Grand Archivist - Playable in Spiteful Summoner decks, very low playrate.
Twilight Acolyte * - Staple in dragon priest which has low playrate currently.
Blackguard - Sees little play, outclassed in heal paladin.
Bring It On! - Sees some play in fatigue warrior, low winrate.
Dead Man's Hand – Playable in fatigue and recruit warrior, low winrate.
Doomerang - Hurt by recent rogue nerfs, sees very little play.
Drakkari Enchanter - Sees some play in big druid, synergy with Emperor Thaurissan.
Fatespinner - Niche card for token druid, low winrate.
Meat Wagon - Sees some play in mech deathrattle paladin, okay winrate.
Rattling Rascal - A liability but has strong synergy with Evolve.
Snowfury Giant – Playable in heavy overload decks.
Blazecaller – Playable in elemental decks which are fringe in the current meta.
Bright-Eyed Scout * - Sees very little play but has niche potential in big spell mage.
Chittering Tunneler - Sees very little play but decent winrate.
Curious Glimmerroot * – Niche card for reno priest, mediocre winrate.
Dinosize – Situational card which sees some play in even paladin.
Giant Anaconda – Playable in Mecha'thun Druid, low winrate.
Living Mana – Often played in token druid, good winrate but low playrate.
Primordial Drake *- Playable in dragon and control decks, very low playrate.
Stone Sentinel - Playable in elemental shaman, low winrate.
Fight Promoter - Playable in hand-buff decks, low winrate.
Mana Geode – Sees very little play but playable in proactive priest decks.
Manic Soulcaster - Playable in reno and control mage, low play and winrate.
Eternal Sentinel - Playable in overload aggro shaman, low winrate.
Forbidden Healing - Tech option for heal paladin.
Giant Sand Worm - Sees very little play but a niche card for recruit hunter.
Wisps of the Old Gods – Low playrate but playable in token druid.
Arcane Blast - Low winrate, has seen play in burn mage.
Beneath the Grounds - Tech option for mill decks, low winrate.
Coldarra Drake - Sees little play but playable in inspire decks.
Elemental Destruction - Playable in control shaman, low winrate.
Ancestor's Call – Staple in Malygos and big shaman, which are niche archetypes.
Clockwork Giant - Tech card vs control decks, very low playrate.
Coghammer - Niche card for mech paladin, good winrate but very low playrate.
Crush - Low win and playrate but playable in slower warrior decks.
Demonheart – Sees very little play but playable in demon decks.
Piloted Sky Golem - Playable in midrange decks, decent winrate but low playrate.
Siltfin Spiritwalker - Often played in murloc shaman, low playrate.
Cannon Barrage - Slow card, effect difficult to make good use of.
Drakkari Trickster – Very unreliable card, possible tech against Kingsbane in Wild.
Gurubashi Hypemon – Too expensive, effect difficult to make use of.
Gurubashi Offering - A liability.
Ice Cream Peddler - Meme card.
Immortal Prelate – Buildaround in buff paladin, very low winrate.
Linecracker - Staple in meme BEEEES!!! OTK deck.
Snapjaw Shellfighter - Interesting meme card, useless in the current meta.
Surrender to Madness - Synergy with Spirit of the Dead, very low winrate.
The Beast Within - Meme card for beast decks.
Untamed Beastmaster - Unreliable meme card for beast decks.
Void Contract - Expensive tech card vs combo decks, useless in the current meta.
Beryllium Nullifier – Does not have an use in any constructed deck.
Ectomancy - Meme card for demon decks.
E.M.P. Operative - Extremely situational tech card.
Goblin Prank - Meme card .
Holomancer - Does anyone know any use for this card?
Loose Specimen - A liability.
Necrium Vial - Deathrattle rogue is not viable.
Omega Defender - Meme card.
Omega Mind # - Does not have a home in the current meta.
Power Word: Replicate - Meme card, has seen play in Test Subject OTK decks.
Reckless Experimenter - Meme card for deathrattle decks which lack synergy.
Star Aligner - Meme card.
Bogshaper - Playable in elemental shaman, very low winrate.
Deadly Arsenal - Synergy card which lacks support, very low winrate.
Deathweb Spider – Slow card, effect difficult to make use of.
Muck Hunter - Outclassed by better 5 mana options.
Ratcatcher - Meme card.
Splitting Festeroot - Extremely slow card.
Totem Cruncher - A liability.
Toxmonger - Very low winrates, staple in quest hunter in Wild.
WANTED! - Overpriced card, outclassed by better removal options.
Worgen Abomination - Meme card, effect difficult to make use of.
Astral Tiger – Playable in undatakah druid, very low winrate.
Bladed Gauntlet - Tech option for control warrior, very low winrate.
Deck of Wonders - Meme card, staple in casual decks.
Level Up! - Struggles to find a home after nerfs.
Rummaging Kobold - Meme card for weapon decks.
Shimmering Courser - Understatted, effect hard to trigger.
Windshear Stormcaller – Effect difficult to trigger.
Abominable Bowman - Pretty inconsistent card.
Cryostasis - Meme card for freeze shaman.
Deathaxe Punisher - Sees very little play, synergy with High Priestess Jeklik.
Embrace Darkness – Overpriced, slow card.
Furnacefire Colossus - Effect difficult to make use of, low winrate.
Glacial Mysteries - Very slow card, outclassed in secret mage as a tutor.
Light's Sorrow - Synergy card which lacks support, very low winrate.
Spectral Pillager - Outclassed by Vilespine Slayer.
Tomb Lurker - Very unreliable card.
Toxic Arrow – Unreliable card which sees very little play, low winrate.
Biteweed - Very low win and playrate, has seen fringe play in miracle rogue.
Dinomancy - Fun meme card, has seen play when it had been released.
Emerald Hive Queen - A liability.
Explore Un'Goro - Meme card.
Primalfin Champion - Effect hard to trigger, playable in quest paladin.
Spirit Echo – Very weak and inconsistent card, outclassed by better card draw options.
Stampede - Unreliable card, very low playrate.
Sudden Genesis - Very situational card.
Tortollan Primalist - Meme card.
Blubber Baron - Understatted, effect difficult to trigger.
Brass Knuckles - Meme card for handbuff decks.
Burgly Bully - Sees very little play, low winrate.
Defias Cleaner - Very low play and winrates.
Fel Orc Soulfiend - Why wouldn't you play a 3/4 instead?
Finders Keepers - Unreliable, overcosted card.
Greater Arcane Missiles - Unreliable and overcosted card, low winrate.
Leatherclad Hogleader - Very low winrate but playable vs control decks.
Luckydo Buccaneer - Playable in pirate rogue, decent winrate but low playrate.
Lunar Visions – Slow card, outclassed in a crowded slot for druid.
Lotus Assassin - Stealth rogue is not a viable deck.
Lotus Illusionist - Very unreliable card, playable in fun evolve decks.
Meanstreet Marshal - Unreliable card, low winrate.
Pilfered Power – Meme card, playable in experimental token druid.
Piranha Launcher - Very slow card.
Unlicensed Apothecary - A liability, once known for Evolve shenanigans.
Weasel Tunneler - Meme card, playable in experimental quest priest deck.
Wind-up Burglebot - Meme card.
Ancient Harbinger - Meme card, effect difficult to make use of.
Blade of C'Thun - Expensive removal for C'Thun Rogue, see C'Thun.
Blood of The Ancient One - Meme card.
Blood Warriors - Very situational card.
Crazed Worshipper - Playable in C'Thun decks, see C'Thun.
Cyclopian Horror - Meme card, you’d better play Sen'jin Shieldmasta instead.
Darkspeaker – Often a liability, meme card.
Embrace the Shadow - Very situational card, low winrate in heal priest.
Forbidden Ancient – Meme card, playable in defensive druid decks.
Forbidden Flame - Low playrate, outclassed by better removal options.
Hammer of Twilight - Sees very little play, low winrate.
Renounce Darkness - Meme card, playable in fun casual decks.
Scaled Nightmare - Slow card, sees very little play.
Shadowcaster - Outclassed by Zola the Gorgon.
Tentacles for Arms - Meme card.
Twilight Summoner - Sees very little play, outclassed in deathrattle decks.
Validated Doomsayer – Often a liability, meme card.
Djinni of Zephyrs - Meme card for buff decks, sees very little play.
Naga Sea Witch - Low playrate after nerf, has seen play in giant hunter and handlock.
Astral Communion - Astral decks have very low winrate currently.
Charged Hammer - Slow card, outclassed in midrange shaman decks.
Confuse - Meme card.
Crowd Favorite - Sees very little play, low winrate.
Dark Bargain - Poor value card which sees very little play, low winrate.
Dreadsteed - Meme card, once played in heavy demonlock.
Enter the Coliseum - Outclassed by better board clear options.
Frost Giant - Meme card for inspire decks.
Grand Crusader - Very unreliable card.
Kodorider – Meme card, sees very little play.
Lock and Load - Meme card, hunter lacks combo synergy.
Magnataur Alpha - Understatted, unreliable card.
Master of Ceremonies - Very inconsistent card.
Poisoned Blade - Extremely slow card.
Recruiter - Very slow card.
Sea Reaver – Very unreliable card.
Shadowfiend - Inconsistent card, very low win and playrate.
Sideshow Spelleater - Unreliable tech card vs inspire decks, very low playrate.
Stablemaster - Meme card, sees very little play.
Anima Golem - A liability.
Bouncing Blade - Very unreliable card.
Cogmaster's Wrench - Very inconsistent card.
Dark Wispers - Poor value, sees little play.
Echo of Medivh - Very sitautional card.
Junkbot - Meme card for mech decks, sees very little play.
Mini-Mage - A liability.
Recombobulator - Meme card.
Sabotage - Very unreliable card, low winrate.
Shadowbomber - Sees very little play, low winrate.
Steamwheedle Sniper – Outclassed in a crowded slot for Hunter.
Tree of Life - Slow card, outclassed in mill druid.
Wee Spellstopper - Meme card, sees very little play.
Shade of Naxxramas – Very little played, used to be staple in old midrange combo druid.
Captain's Parrot - Meme card.
Glitter Moth - Meme card for odd priest.
Gloom Stag - Meme card for odd druid.
Wild ranking change log for Year of the Dragon:
Darkest Hour Tier 1 to 2
18 April
Darkest Hour to Tier 1
13 OctoberMana Cyclone to Tier 1
Mana Giant to Tier 1
Book of Specters Tier 2 to 1
Carnivorous Cube Tier 2 to 1
Psychic Scream Tier 2 to 1
Voidlord Tier 2 to 1
Nerubian Unraveler Tier 2 to 1
Bloodbloom Tier 2 to 1
Primordial Glyph Tier 2 to 1
Dragonfire Potion Tier 3 to 1
Arcane Giant Tier 3 to 1
Supercollider Tier 1 to 2
Juicy Psychmelon Tier 4 to 2
Rat Trap Tier 1 to 2
Town Crier Tier 1 to 2
Cataclysm Tier 3 to 2
Fal'dorei Strider Tier 4 to 2
Psychic Scream Tier 2 to 1
Corpsetaker Tier 2 to 4
Obsidian Statue Tier 3 to 2
Vilespine Slayer Tier 1 to 2
Call of the Wild Tier 3 to 2
Garrison Commander Tier 4 to 2
Twilight Guardian Tier 3 to 2
Feign Death Tier 3 to 2
Steamwheedle Sniper Tier 5 to 3
Echoing Ooze Tier 5 to 3
Crowd Roaster Tier 2 to 3
Master's Call Tier 2 to 3
Soulwarden Tier 4 to 3
Smolderthorn Lancer Tier 2 to 3
Splitting Image Tier 4 to 3
Augmented Elekk Tier 4 to 3
Dreampetal Florist Tier 2 to 3
Glowstone Technician Tier 2 to 3
Prismatic Lens Tier 2 to 3
Arcane Keysmith Tier 2 to 3
Nightmare Amalgam Tier 1 to 3
Twilight Acolyte Tier 3 to 4
Dark Wispers to Tier 5
Coghammer to Tier 4
1 October
Star Aligner to Tier 3
Wild Ranking Added - Auchenai Phantasm to Tier 3
Southsea Captain to Tier 1
Far Sight to Tier 2
Gnomeferatu Tier 3 to 2
September 7
Quartermaster Tier 1 to 2
Dragonfire Potion Tier 1 to 3
Ice Block Tier 3 to 1
Curious Glimmerroot Tier 3 to 4
Primordial Drake Tier 3 to 4
Gluttonous Ooze Tier 1 to 2
Darkest Hour Tier 2 to 3
Bright-Eyed Scout Tier 3 to 4
Obsidian Statue Tier 1 to 3
Psychic Scream Tier 1 to 2
20 August
Twilight Acolyte Tier 2 to 3
Vilespine Slayer Tier 2 to 1
Skulking Geist Tier 3 to 2
Astral Communion Tier 3 to 5
Fal'dorei Strider Tier 3 to 4
Doomerang Tier 2 to 4
Astral Tiger Tier 4 to 5
Sleep with the Fishes Tier 4 to 3
Feign Death Tier 4 to 3
Treachery Tier 4 to 2
Reckless Flurry Tier 2 to 3
Arcane Tyrant Tier 3 to 2
Bloodbloom Tier 1 to 2
30 June
Spirit Echo Tier 4 to 5
Blazecaller Tier 3 to 4
Void Ripper Tier 2 to 3
To My Side! Tier 2 to 3
Mysterious Challenger Tier 1 to 3
13 June
Voidlord Tier 1 to 2
Crushing Walls Tier 3 to 4
Molten Giant Tier 1 to 2
Carnivorous Cube Tier 1 to 3
26 May
Ice Block Tier 2 to 3
21 May
Primordial Drake Tier 2 to 3
20 May
Murloc Warleader to Tier 1
Siltfin Spiritwalker Tier 3 to 2
Gnomeferatu Tier 2 to 3
Charged Devilsaur Tier 1 to 2
Vilefin Inquisitor Tier 1 to 2
Call to Arms Tier 1 to 2
Vilespine Slayer Tier 1 to 2
Wispering Woods to Tier 2
Rummaging Kobold Tier 4 to 5
16 May
Mossy Horror to Tier 4
Cataclysm Tier 2 to 3
Twilight Acolyte Tier 1 to 2
Doomerang Tier 1 to 2
Fal'dorei Strider Tier 1 to 3
15 May
Frost Giant Tier 4 to 5
Glacial Mysteries to Tier 5
Siltfin Spiritwalker Tier 4 to 3
14 May
Juicy Psychmelon to Tier 3
Master's Call to Tier 2
Magic Carpet to Tier 2
Small-Time Recruits Tier 4 to 3
12 May
Abominable Bowman Tier 4 to 5
Wisps of the Old Gods Tier 5 to 4
Nerubian Unraveler Tier 1 to 2
Darkest Hour Tier 1 to 2
6 May
Omega Devastator to Tier 3
Waggle Pick to Tier 2
Crystalsong Portal to Tier 2
Force of Nature to Tier 3
Faceless Manipulator to Tier 3
Doomsayer to Tier 2
Brawl to Tier 2
5 May
Djinni of Zephyrs Tier 4 to 5
Dragon's Fury Tier 2 to 3
Living Mana Tier 3 to 2
Spiteful Summoner Tier 2 to 3
28 April
Enhance-o Mechano Tier 4 to 3
27 April
Level Up! Tier 4 to 5
Bloodbloom Tier 2 to 1
Giant Anaconda Tier 3 to 4
Enter the Coliseum Tier 4 to 5
25 April
Twilight Acolyte Tier 2 to 1
24 April
Hobgoblin Tier 5 to 3
21 April
Wild ranking added. Darkest Hour put to Tier 1.
Molten Giant Tier 2 to 1
Garrison Commander Tier 5 to 4
Junkbot Tier 4 to 5
Grand Archivist Tier 3 to 4
DOOM! Tier 2 to 3
Bloodbloom Text changed from: "Staple in Mecha'thun Warlock."
Ice Block Tier 1 to 2
20 April
Doomerang Text changed from "Staple in Kingsbane and pirate rogue, good winrate."
Manic Soulcaster Tier 3 to 4
Evasion Tier 3 to 4
Arcane Tyrant Tier 2 to 3
Nerubian Unraveler Tier 3 to 1
15 April
Rummaging Kobold Tier 5 to 4
The list has been assembled using data from:
Special Thanks To
all users who have made suggestions to keep the guide updated!
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
been waiting for this!
excellent work, thanks!
Recent changes to the Wild section:
Star Aligner to Tier 3
Auchenai Phantasm to Tier 3
Southsea Captain to Tier 1
Far Sight to Tier 2
Gnomeferatu Tier 3 to 2
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
The new cards added to Standard have been placed:
Astral Communion to Tier 5
Mysterious Challenger to Tier 1
Lock and Load to Tier 4
Call of the Wild to Tier 1
Renounce Darkness to Tier 5
Lightbomb to Tier 1
(I also discovered that Omega Mind was missing from the list, so I placed her in Tier 3).
I also updated the placements of cards whose power levels have changed:
Micro Mummy Tier 2 to 1
Plague of Death Tier 3 to 1
Bloodsworn Mercenary Tier 1 to 2
Livewire Lance Tier 1 to 2
History Buff Tier 4 to 3
Splitting Axe Tier 4 to 3
Scarlet Webweaver Tier 3 to 4
Magic Carpet Tier 2 to 1
Waggle Pick Tier 2 to 1
Power of Creation Tier 3 to 2
Crystalsong Portal Tier 3 to 4
Batterhead Tier 4 to 2
Hench-Clan Hag Tier Tier 4 to 1
Sul'thraze Tier 3 to 2
Dreampetal Florist Tier 3 to 2
Necrium Vial Tier 5 to 3
Thunderhead Tier 2 to 1
Nightmare Amalgam Tier 2 to 1
Hidden Wisdom Tier 4 to 1
Doomsayer Tier 1 to 2
Ancient of War Tier 3 to 4
Sword of Justice Tier 4 to 3
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
Dark Wispers is missing from the list. I assume it's Tier 5 at this point.
Also Coghammer. That one could be Tier 4...
Both cards you mentioned have now been added:
Dark Wispers to Tier 5
Coghammer to Tier 4
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
With the release of Descent of Dragons, the Epics from that expansion have been added to the list. Realistically, we cannot place them with the data currently available yet, but over the next week or so we should find out where they belong.
In the meantime, you can check the projected placement to see which Epics look to be the strongest in the set. Also, keep an eye on the Epics from previous expansions, as some of them will likely move to different tiers very soon.
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
The first batch of placements has been made:
Dragon's Pack to Tier 1
Necrium Apothecary to Tier 1
Rolling Fireball to Tier 1
Toxic Reinforcements to Tier 1
Veiled Worshipper to Tier 1
Dark Skies to Tier 2
Lightforged Crusader to Tier 2
Scion of Ruin to Tier 2
Stormhammer to Tier 2
Umbral Skulker to Tier 3
Kobold Stickyfinger to Tier 4
Mana Giant to Tier 4
Ramming Speed to Tier 4
Dread Raven to Tier 5
Envoy of Lazul to Tier 5
Fate Weaver to Tier 5
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
The placements for the RoS and SoU epics have been updated:
Micro Mummy Tier 1 to 2
Psychopomp Tier 1 to 3
Tip the Scales Tier 1 to 2
Plague of Death Tier 1 to 4
Anubisath Defender Tier 2 to 3
Crystal Merchant Tier 2 to 4
Diseased Vulture Tier 2 to 3
Livewire Lance Tier 2 to 1
Plague of Murlocs Tier 3 to 2
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Tier 3 to 1
Splitting Axe Tier 3 to 5
Tortollan Pilgrim to Tier 1
Body Wrapper Tier 4 to 5
Shadow of Death Tier 5 to 4
Hench-Clan Hag Tier 1 to 4
Omega Devastator Tier 1 to 3
Waggle Pick Tier 1 to 2
Batterhead Tier 2 to 3
Power of Creation Tier 2 to 1
Wrenchcalibur Tier 2 to 3
Big Bad Archmage Tier 4 to 5
Crystal Stag Tier 4 to 5
Crystalsong Portal Tier 4 to 3
Jumbo Imp Tier 4 to 3
Mana Cyclone Tier 4 to 3
Witch's Brew Tier 4 to 3
Dragon Speaker Tier 5 to 4
Shadowy Figure Tier 5 to 4
Unidentified Contract Tier 5 to 4
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
Thank you so much for the wonderful website. Which made my day and got full information about Ac Market. Loved this website and recommended for all the users.
Now that the meta has settled, I have updated the list accordingly:
Dragon's Pack Tier 1 to 3
Scion of Ruin Tier 2 to 1
Anubisath Defender Tier 2 to 1
Mountain Giant Tier 2 to 1
Psychopomp Tier 3 to 1
Dark Skies Tier 2 to 1
Crystal Merchant Tier 4 to 2
Preparation Tier 3 to 2
Umbral Skulker Tier 3 to 2
Changed Livewire Lance's description
Force of Nature Tier 3 to 1
Batterhead Tier 3 to 1
Bloodsworn Mercenary Tier 2 to 1
Doomsayer Tier 2 to 1
Far Sight Tier 4 to 3
Power of Creation Tier 1 to 2
Necrium Apothecary Tier 1 to 2
Embiggen Tier 3 to 2
Shield Slam Tier 1 to 2
Brawl Tier 1 to 2
Twisting Nether Tier 3 to 1
Tortollan Pilgrim Tier 1 to 2
Book of Specters Tier 3 to 2
Changed Witch's Brew's description
Rolling Fireball Tier 1 to 2
Haunting Visions Tier 2 to 3
Big Bad Voodoo Tier 3 to 4
Omega Devastator Tier 3 to 2
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Tier 1 to 2
Southsea Captain Tier 4 to 2
Thunderhead Tier 1 to 3
Supercollider Tier 2 to 1
Pyroblast Tier 2 to 3
Lightforged Crusader Tier 2 to 3
Glowstone Technician Tier 1 to 2
Ramming Speed Tier 4 to 3
Necrium Vial Tier 1 to 3
Faceless Manipulator Tier 3 to 4
Tip the Scales Tier 2 to 3
Hidden Wisdom Tier 1 to 4
Vivid Nightmare Tier 4 to 3
Wispering Woods Tier 3 to 2
Baleful Banker Tier 3 to 2
Smolderthorn Lancer Tier 3 to 2
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
Week 1 of Galakrond's Awakening didn't introduce a lot of meta shifts, but there are a few changes which need to be registered:
Shadow Sculptor to Tier 4
Stampeding Roar Tier 5 to 2
Embiggen Tier 2 to 1
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
Needs some updating, so here's some feedback:
Magic Carpet - No one uses it anymore. Crowd Roaster and Masked Contender, Vulpera Scoundrel, Stampeding Roar and Treespeaker as well should all get demoted.
Stormhammer definitely Tier 1, Dragon Hunter the strongest deck in winrate out there and the weapon is a huge staple. Probably should add Escaped Manasaber as well. Boompistol is probably T2.
Thanks for the feedback, here are the changes I will make:
Magic Carpet - Still sees SOME play, but I will demote it to Tier 2 regardless
Crowd Roaster -Demoted to Tier 2 due to its fairly average winrate.
Masked Contender - Demoted to Tier 2, good winrate but lower playrate.
Vulpera Scoundrel - This one is actually going to move up to Tier 1; it sees play in a variety of decks with good winrates.
Stampeding Roar - Demoted to Tier 3, low playrate.
Treespeaker - Will also stay where it is, its winrate is way too high to justify putting it in Tier 3.
Stormhammer - Promoted to Tier 1.
Escaped Manasaber and Boompistol Bully - Added to Tier 1
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
The meta is still in a state of flux, but a few cards are obviously performing very well at the moment:
Eye Beam to Tier 1
Glowfly Swarm to Tier 1
Bamboozle to Tier 1
Skeletal Dragon to Tier 1
Apexis Blast to Tier 1
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
Eye Beam can't be crafted, it's in the initiate set.
Just finished placing the cards in the new set, as well as making changes to the wild section. Over the next few days, I will change the placements of cards from older expansions accordingly.
That's true, but it's still useful to know how the initiate cards perform compared to the rest of the epics.
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.
Can you look at the totem Shaman winrates again, I believe it might not be trash tier anymore for Splitting Axe
I breathe for a living
The list has been updated for the most recent batch of nerfs:
Skeletal Dragon Tier 1 to 3
Marsh Hydra Tier 2 to 4
Greyheart Sage Tier 2 to 1
Underlight Angling Rod Tier 3 to 2
Warmaul Challenger Tier 4 to 2
Bladestorm Tier 5 to 2
Flamereaper Tier 2 to 4
Embiggen Tier 1 to 4
Scion of Ruin Tier 1 to 5
Toxic Reinforcements Tier 1 to 2
Veiled Worshipper Tier 1 to 2
Rolling Fireball Tier 2 to 1
Cumulo-Maximus Tier 3 to 4
Lightforged Crusader Tier 3 to 2
Wyrmrest Purifier Tier 3 to 5
Anubisath Defender Tier 1 to 2
Plague of Death Tier 1 to 2
Psychopomp Tier 1 to 3
Crystal Merchant Tier 2 to 3
Micro Mummy Tier 2 to 4
Plague of Murlocs Tier 2 to 4
Diseased Vulture Tier 3 to 4
Splitting Axe Tier 5 to 3
Batterhead Tier 1 to 4
Magic Carpet Tier 2 to 3
Omega Devastator Tier 2 to 3
Power of Creation Tier 2 to 1
Waggle Pick Tier 2 to 3
Jumbo Imp Tier 3 to 5
Wrenchcalibur Tier 3 to 2
Unidentified Contract Tier 4 to 3
Force of Nature Tier 1 to 2
Mountain Giant moved to HoF
Sea Giant Tier 1 to 2
Doomhammer Tier 2 to 4
Sword of Justice Tier 3 to 5
Avenging Wrath Tier 4 to 3
Cabal Shadow Priest Tier 4 to 3
Icicle Tier 5 to 3
I manage the Epic Tier List and Crafting Guide. Come check it out!
Here are my predictions in The Exhaustive Ashes of Outlands Card Preview.