Shadow Council

Card Text
Replace your hand
with random Demons.
Give them +2/+2.
Flavor Text
Why is everybody in Outland replacing their hands?!
Replace your hand
with random Demons.
Give them +2/+2.
Why is everybody in Outland replacing their hands?!
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Elite card
Put a new golden version, pls. This has a brighteness lag
I m gonna try this card for sure !!!
This could be really good with The Soularium. Draw 3, turn them into demons, and get +6/+6 in stats for 3 mana is really good in a zoo deck that just wants to throw stats onto the battlefield.
Soularium going wild :/
So? Good in wild, then.
This is wicked
IDk this card might single handedly allow you to run a deck of almost exclusively control tools and just win in the late game with the giant threats this adds to your hand.
Even a card like Flame Imp becomes a threat with the buff. This seems really good in control style Warlock decks. We just need to see how those pan out.
A nice option to have if your hand's full of removal or trash. Just having it in the discovery pool for Ethereal Lackey and Twisted Knowledge is a plus.
It's a better version of Arch-Villain Rafaam and Renounce Darkness. I love it.
I wonder which turn is statistically best to play it.
Probably 3. Play a 1 drop on turn one, tap twice and then drop this, you hit 7 cards, 8 if you have the coin.
This kind of card allow you to use a deck with many tech cards because you can trade the useless ones for random buffed demons.
Trash card but fun I guess you run this in quest warlock for fun
haha so bad, 1/5