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Hmmm... Support for the corrupted healbot otk just before it rotates.
If Big Priest continues to be a thing, then yes, this card will be a very Vivid Nightmare.
You could do Radiant+Radiant, Stormwind Knight+Divine Spirit+Divine Spirit+Vivid Nightmare on the Stormwind Knight for 40 Charge Damage, 6 card combo, but priest does have a lot of card draw so who knows, maybe there could be a OTK Priest.
Thank you Team 5 for giving another completely busted cards to priest, especially Big priest. Awesome.
Faceless for 3. In odd Deck U can gain the option to make it just Faceless. But Face it... Arent you going to use it on the Radiant elemental?
seems pretty bad *sees that is health REMAINING, not Max*
seems pretty good
Step 1: Summon and kill Prophet Velen and/or Malygos. Either with Shadow Essence or by casting them directly.
Step 2: Play Radiant Elemental x2 + Vivid Nightmare x2 + Eternal Servitude x2 and blow up your opponent with Mind Blast and Holy Smite. All for the low low cost of 5 mana.
Sounds great in theory, but it only lasts one turn. Granted you'd have to have ALL of those cards in hand for that combo, which is highly unlikely. If one does manage to pull it off, with the low health of your other two minions, plus the already low health of the Radiant Elementals, there'd probably be an easy board clear.
Nevertheless, it definitely is an idea worth exploring.
Yes, Big Priest was a vivid nightmare. Oh, Barnes is rotating out? Wonderful.
This is my idea for a combo otk deck.
Interesting combo potential. Spell damage minions, deathrattle ones... elementals even! Exodia priest? :)
Mark my words this card is gonna be part of something stupid and broken. I dig it.
I smell Cubes again.
Wild is so much more fun. Why so much hate
i've already quit wild because of big priest. if big priest continues in standard because of cards like this i will actually quit the game altogether. it is the absolute worst deck to play against because of idiot cards like obsidian statue.
They won't have the ability to just win by sheer luck by turn 4. Yes this will make the deck at least 2 tier less powerful, but Shadow Essence is still a strong card.
I think the best way of looking at this is just that it's a Molten Reflection for 1 less mana, the "downside" doesn't usually matter and this card is significantly better than Mirage Caller purely because it's a spell. The power level is certainly there, it's only a matter of how game winning a Lyra the Sunshard combo might be, or perhaps something else.
Mirage Caller was never a good card, and thats very similar and a little bit worse, for me its only playable if priest receive a damage eco card, like 5 mana deals 3 damage "eco", so it can OTK the opponent with some Radiant Elemental clown fiesta