Guardian Animals
Card Text
Summon two Beasts that cost (5) or less from your deck. Give them Rush.
Flavor Text
The guidelines specifically state: "Students may also bring an ironbeak owl OR an alleycat OR a toad." They never said how big.
Summon two Beasts that cost (5) or less from your deck. Give them Rush.
The guidelines specifically state: "Students may also bring an ironbeak owl OR an alleycat OR a toad." They never said how big.
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Love to see this pull Tundra Rhino!
I don't see it. The cost is very high for something that is never going to have a bonkers payoff. People tend to take risk on cards like these for the potential upside of cheating out huge costed minions, but in this case they capped it at 5 mana so that's that.
Welp, this comment didn't age well!
Does anyone know if this will still pull 5 Mana beasts from your deck that have been hit with Embiggen to cost 6-7 Mana? Like, does the spell read the original cost of the card for verification, or the current card cost?
Pretty sure it changes the cost while the buffed card is still in your deck. IE. if you play Embiggen, your 5-mana minions will no longer be recruited with this.
It won't work on them. Any minion that is enchanted to cost more or less is effected by other cards that work based on mana cost.
Tried it. Doesn't work. Don't run embiggen and this in the same deck unless you wanna play a low cost minion deck
This is a card that's cleary stronger for Druid than Hunter, Druid can cheat this out really early and has access to deck buffing.
Nonetheless, beast synergies are my favorite thing in Hunter so I'll have to try it in Wild. Hopefully it gets better with the release of strong Beasts later in the year.
Trash tier for hunter. But maybe it will see play in ramp druid if there is decent 5 mana beasts
Lol now what do you say with the new beasts?
I don't like this, maybe in some combo deck but right now i don't see it being played at all.
While druid keeps getting cards that can be used with de dual class, the majority of the big shaman spells ara aoe that kill her :(
Ar ya tryin ta speak in da troll voice? Cuz I don tink ya doin it propa mon