
Card Text
Give all minions in your deck +2/+2. They cost (1) more (up to 10).
Flavor Text
Did you set it to "wumbo?"
Give all minions in your deck +2/+2. They cost (1) more (up to 10).
Did you set it to "wumbo?"
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This card should have been a quest or a side quest, it's a very bad card in it's current state.
Not anymore.
Prince Keleseth 2.0?
You know what the problem is? Druids had their decks set to "M" for "mana" when they should have been set to "W" for "wumbo".
Step 1: Play two of these on turn 1.
Step 2: Draw a 5/5 wisp.
This is a perfectly cromulent card.