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This cancerous card should be legendary.
I want this so much in rogue ...
Problem card. In essence this card has the same design flaw as Ice Block. It also just makes matches go on way too long to the point they aren't fun in the slightest.
i've tried so hard to make this card work. it's hardly "meta-defining"
try harder noob its ez
Thanks for your input lmfao
Makes for incredibly slow, tedious and boring games.
Hate this card.
Slow and tedious games are kinda warriors thing.
Pirates have to say something about that...
how does it copy cards if a has a reduced cost does it copy the reduced cost or normal cost
The shuffled copies will cost normal, it also doesn't copy Hand buffs. Also if you have a transformed Molten Blade it will shuffle a copy of that weapon, not Molten Blade. I assume this applies to Shifter Zerus as well.
It is a realy hard card/deck to play, so I like this card
I like the fact that if you have 2 of these in your deck, one is never played. It's just there, in your hand, doing nothing except being used to make more copies with the other "dead man's hand". It's just a dead card that can give you infinite value only if you don't use it never.I love the design, can't think in another card like this. Maybe exodia, because you win just drawing the cards, and never using them? (¿?)
I had an amazing 37 turn match using a control berserk warrior vs a nzoth warrior. The guy dropped 4 nzoth. I won because i got lucky with all the brawls (beetween me and him there were maybe 7/8), plus his value was all in nzoth, mine in multiple grommash, King mosh rotface and Elise packs
Anyone know if the extra copies of cards that go into your deck go on the top or is it random? or do they have a high chance of going to the top of your deck? Because i used it once when i had 2 executes and some other stuff, and the first 2 cards i got were 2 executes. The match ended after that though so i dont know what was next
All cards that shuffle cards into your deck will shuffle your deck randomly so it's entirely coincidental that the 2 Executes were shuffled to the top of your deck.
brilliant I played seven times the Brawl vs evolution shaman and won a super fatigue game
This card is op. So i crafted two of them. My main is control quest warrior so.
This art doesn't really communicate the effect or title at all... or anything for that matter.