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This card really is a good 5-star card. Playing a 2 mana 2/3 is a well-stated minion (Especially in the arena) on top of that they burn a card with a decent chance it will burn one of, if not their only win condition (Rank 20-15) as players at that rank generally focus on having 1 combo with 1 focused win condition. I don't see how anyone would think this is a bad card?
The very first time i played this it burned my opponent's golden Bloodreaver Gul'dan. Insta-concede. What a glorious moment...
I searched for Gnomferatu because I hate it when it discards my cards for me. So uncool. Luckily my decks tend to not lose after missing a card or two (they lose no matter what), but still, I go through the trouble of adding a card to my deck, I want to be able to play it...
Hey, he is playing an uninteractive OTK deck, so it is only fair you fuck him over with your own uninteractive card. ;)
.. and very helpful in mirror control warlock matchup : byebye DK Gul'Dan, Adios N'Zoth..!
Great for random wins against Shudderwock decks and randomly sometimes winning against decks like Exodia mage.
This should have been the art and voice of Nemsy Necrofizzle. "You're so sweet" being the "Wow" emote.
I think that we can assume that this little lady was one of the most played cards in the Spellbook brawl.
I love love love, love this card! I almost regret dusting the golden one i got from my rank 5 chest. But nvm. I run 2 in ALL my Warlock decks. And Brann. ;-)
using it cuz got it from a pack, not meta-defining enough for its cost doe
I know that i am like year late but what do you mean. you have 1/27 chance to remove opponent's important thing like DK's, cthun's and (i know wasn't in when you posted this) kingsbanes, shudderwocks and many more wombo combos important pieces if you coin this in if you go 2nd or 1/26 chance when going into your 2nd turn. and you can run 2 of them in deck!
I love this card. It doesn't always burn useful cards, but I have burned a C'Thun, two Raza the Chained, and one Deathwing, Dragonlord. Makes it worth the misses for me.
Plus, she's adorable.
i love this card. 'the priest keeper'
To all the people who down voted my comment on how this card wouldn't see play, stay free you boosted animals.
All that hype and this card has done so little to define the meta,
It's more an Arena card anyway.
This card doesn't see play now (not even experimentation), it won't see play in the future and it wouldn't see play even if the meta was 100% combo decks, it just has no place in any deck.
Lucked out today with her. Played her comboed with Brann Bronzebeard.
Burnt a Reno Jackson and an N'Zoth, the Corruptor one after the other.
Poor sod of an opponent conceded thereafter.
And her stats are acceptable for a 2-drop.
I love how certain everyone is about their opinions on these cards, on this site especially. Why exactly do you think this card is bad? I came to this page specifically to rant about how much it ruined my plans and caused me to rage-quit. Any card that does that can't be all that bad. Plus, you have the ability to forecast the meta from now until the end of time? What are you doing on this site even? You should be working on Wall Street or for the CIA.