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Haven’t seen this guy being used with Springpaw but there is some pretty great synergy that might be worth experimenting with once the Mammoth rotates out...
Yes, as the text reads, "Play". Bombs are indeed summoned so they do not gain poisonous.
Good thing it says "play" not "summon" or it'd be broken with Unleash the Hounds.
I was thinking Fiery Bat but yes, that's even better! Only issue is you also clear your own board. However, if you play it on Turn 5 after Toxmonger it's likely that you don't have a board to begin with.
Works great with Houndmaster Shaw
would've been more useful if is it was 1-2 cost minions
That would have been just terrible! Playing Hearthstone would have become terrible.
Cool concept and would work fantastically in quest hunter... but it's stats are so underwhelming it just hurts the card too much.
It would have been redeemable if it was a 3/5
Hello Toxmonger, I think you and Stonetusk Boar are going to be fast friends
this is a straight up quest hunter card it wont see any use in anything else due to the fact it has the "whenever you play" tag instead of whenever you summon. the question is will this work with cards like elven archer making the battle cry deal the poisonous effect?
In wild this card will make the N'zoth tentacle extremely powerful.
with all that said it's not gonna be the best card and might not even see play if quest hunter isn't given more tools
Any 1 mana echo card would be too busted. it basically doubles the times you can cast it if it was 1 mana instead of 2.
Stonetusk Boar can already do this if you run Hunter's Mark. The pros of this card are that you can do it multiple times if you are running multiple 1 drops, and have a 2/4 body on board that needs to be dealt with. Good card, will probably see play somewhere.
What about giving Hunter good cards for a midrange strategy... :'(
5 mana, Battlecry: summon a 1/1 Poisonous boar
Also discard one card.
This + Injured Kvaldir. I sense some strong synergy
If only Injured Blademaster and Fel Orc Soulfiend costed 1, we would have a pretty OP card on our hands.
No it says "whenever you play" not summon so.. no spell summoning minions, not cheating out minions from the deck or hand, you physically have to play the card to get this poisonous effect.
I believe this card was printed specifcally to be used with Echo cards and taunt cards, it's flexible in the sense it works in a midrange and control deck but it just doesn't do the job the fact it says "Whenever you play" limits options let alone it requiring 1 cost.
With all that said this will be a must include in quest hunter.
Ohh.. rip i get it lel but even if this interaction happens i think battlecrys trigger before the card is played?