Clockwork Giant
Card Text
Costs (1) less for each card in your opponent's hand.
Flavor Text
He and Mountain Giant don't get along.
Card Sounds
Costs (1) less for each card in your opponent's hand.
He and Mountain Giant don't get along.
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Say what you will about it, it's play sound is awesome.
Clockwork Giant is from transformer?
Would be useful against todays Cubelock decks!
When you start missing the Wild cards so much, but you can't play them, because you had to start all over again and now are left with only Standard that case, you check the card page of this handsome giant out.Counters Handlock...oh, they aren't popular anymore, you say? What a shame!
This card is just a giant failure.
bad card
nice accent
I would say that Mountain Giant is much better than Clockwork Giant because you never know (unless playing against friends) if Your opponent has many Cards in his/her hand. Only thing that can be positive about this compared to Mountain Giant is that it's a Mech witch in some decks can be helpfull. But i don't see it being used in any decks I know but feel free to tell me if I'm wrong :)
I think Mill decks can use it pretty nicely, now when Deathlord and Dancing swords are gone this could be a really nice replacement
It would cost 2-5 mana if the milling is efficent
Yes but Clockwork Giant is GvG too so that they are gone doesn't mean anything because it has the same problem
Oh didn't notice, thanks! :D
I think this card is pretty awesome!
Dont Like :-(
Least playable Giant atm.
Why isn't this used in Mill decks? Seems like it'd fit right in.
golden clockwork giant free 400 dust